Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Ah jesus. That’s tragic stuff.

Jesus that’s gut-wrenching.

The first thing that came into my head when I heard about it.

The slightest little thing will set a man off over land . I got angry the other day when I saw a notice of planning permission half a mile away from me . And the local pub closed ,I can’t talk with anyone about it over a pint .


Every mans got his breaking point. The 36th alias is usually it



Dreadfully sad. That poor woman left behind.

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I would like to see the gun been removed from Irish society.there is no need for anyone to have one .

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I wonder would this tragedy have happened if covid wasnt there. Really messing with people’s minds.

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Awful story. Fuck me how would you even start to process that? People can be very scary at times

Ah come on man. That’s awful bullshit to be spouting.


Land is bigger than COVID.

Stop trying to weasel it into this sad story ffs.


Stuff like that usually festers for a good while before it really surfaces. And while covid could well be a contributing factor, I would bet that it was still going to come to a head at some stage.

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Lads saying such things don’t get it, don’t get rural Ireland.


I live in rural ireland mate.

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Rural Ireland is more than a physical presence, it’s a state of mind

Thats some awful twee shit… Up there with the ‘real capital’ and ‘33rd County’ tripe the Carkies go on with.


I agree, Cork is awful

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V young to be killing each other over land. Early 20s. Usually 40s.

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