Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Yeah good point.

The fact this happened quite a while before 7am on a dark showery bank holiday Monday is slightly odd too but perhaps its more to do with the effects from the night before rather than acting with a fresh mind.

Who knows, that poor woman would be as well off buried with them.


Who the fuck are @bill and @Mani?

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Thanks for the warm welcome to TFK . Please don’t stand up .

@Mani used be in the Stone Roses I think. Dunno what @bill did with himself


An awful pity to see you here after the battering you got in the dynasty league this weekend

Not sure what your problem is ?

Younger one just got First Class Honours in Accounting from CIT. Thought it was Engineering but no, Accounting.
Older one had Masters in Law…
This is very weird. You’d have to think access to firearms fecked them as younger one if it was him was v slight

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thats fucking desperate state of affairs there in kanturk…

remember this one in 2003- totally seperate situation now but a similar random event on saturday evening , Valentines weekend- was a row of houses away from us in bishopstown, i was in final year elec eng
CIT again impacted there - obviously nobody there now as all online, etc but going into the place on the monday after this was very very sad - fellas werent right at all for a while- there were girls crying in corners and stuff - no such thing as counselling either back then

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They had the Assistant PRO of the local GAA club on, thought he was quite abrupt when asked about the father…

No surprise with a title like that.

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Assistant PRO, wow they went right to the top.


Yeah I’m from m Bishopstown originally and outpost used be my watering hole a long time ago that case had everyone flummoxed as they were a ordinary couple seemingly etc etc no mad stuff

P nally would disagree


obviously the function of this forum is to speculate but jesus you wouldnt know
maybe it came up as a family argument over the weekend, they were doing spuds maybe and one fella said to the other " you’ll be working for me in a few years you cunt" or to that effect… it was stewing away then and snap
horrible lads…


I laughed out loud at this. I couldn’t help it :laughing:

thats the way these things go tho
they’re young lads to be arguing over land, it could have been a bit of sibling rivalry that spilled over
it just takes one thing for a fella to snap unfortuantly… maybe after a night of drink - who the fk knows
its diabolical

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There was some journalist on Radio One there a while ago, he may have been from the Cork Examiner.

He was saying the mother and one of the sons had gone to stay with a neighbour/friend in recent days. They’d only returned to the family home on Sunday, friends had been in contact to ask both if everything was calm and ok - they said it was.

Horrible, horrible situation. RIP.


My aunt lives in Bishopstown across from the old Dunnes near Outpost. My cousin worked in one of the bars there for a few years but can’t remember if she was in Outpost or Viscount, or even Bishopstown Bar. Was in them all years ago (think Viscount gone?) my grandfather was down the road on the Bishopstown Road but he’s gone 20 years now.

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There’s bars in Bishopstown named after the site of a British Army Outpost and another named ‘Viscount’??!

I. Rest. My. Case.