With a will he would still be entitled to half the estate if no kids and if kids a third of the estate. If no will spouse gets the lot. A will also has to be made after marriage as marriage would void any will made pre
I’m confused. Is this the murder suicide yesterday.
Not if they pre decease her.
Most wills leave everything to surviving spouse unless they fail to live for 28 days after you die (covers car crashes etc) in which case goes to kids in equal shares.
But people can do what they want in a will. Only rule is a surviving spouse must get at least half (no kids) or a third (if kids) of estate. Kids are not entitled to any minimum but can bring a challenge if a parent failed in moral duty to leave something but that’s an uncertain threshold so no guarantee of getting much. However a challenge to Will is paid out of estate so a challenge can effectively eat an estate in legal fees
Prime Time just had a piece on yesterday’s shooting with speculation as to what was behind it all. They’re getting a lot of negative comments on Twitter.