Cork weirdo/sicko thread

If itā€™s in her name then itā€™s in her name. Iā€™m not sure what you think a marriage is.

No one worked the land. It had been leased out for 30 years.

They had other land though I think. I read something earlier about the eldest lad driving around on a tractor.

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The men of no property are very clueless :relaxed:

The two sons were trainee professionals, the father was a mechanic and the mother is a nurse


Quidnuncs. Place is full of them.

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This from a local person according to Examiner today:

ā€œThey were a lovely family, and the two sons were very bright, very polite and two wonderful young men.

ā€œThey were both interested in farming, and if I remember rightly, Mark used to drive his tractor between his motherā€™s farm and land the family owned in Cecilstown nearby.ā€


Land goes through the bloodline. Thereā€™s no way it will be signed over handily to a blow in.


And never should it be. Townie cunts wonā€™t get that

Good stock so kid Iā€™m an uam var man originally

Land that the British landlords gave you for being yes men


The marriage makes it a joint asset of marriage.

Donā€™t mind the latchicos who think puddles with fairy forts in Limerick and Laois are Southfork

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Come out to the midlands, weā€™ll get together, have a few laughs, Iā€™ll show you the island.

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Wouldnā€™t be massively unusual on a farm. Vermin control.

I thought thatā€™d be the case. Buying your kids a house is a big fcuking gamble really the way divorce is gone these days.

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So the lads were wrong?

Of course. If they owned anything worth a fuck theyā€™d know that.

Land runs in the blood. In Laois. :joy:

The only thing that runs in the blood in Laois is liquor and losing.

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By God. I canā€™t see artfoley going quietly into the night on this one

Itā€™s an asset of the marriage. It will go into pot to be valued on a death or breakdown. If they have the cash to pay off the spouse then spouse wonā€™t get the land but if they donā€™t it will be sold or spouse will get their share of it.
