Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Boy Scouts were one of the greatest recruitment tools for the British Army in this country pre World War I. They used to march around with the Union Jack and were usually tutored by ex British Army types.

That’s why the Na Fianna were founded. Con Colbert used to take the Na Fianna lads out where he knew the Boy Scouts were and they’d look to fight them and steal their Union Jack.


Never knew that

StevieG has uploaded a few pics from sweat back in the day,


Salad days


Sake :face_vomiting:



That cunt should do serious time for that.

Whatever chance someone coming against it in another car would have…

Anyone cycling or walking the road was in serious danger. I’ve never seen one that bad before.

There was a girl on rte2 last night with a comedy show, savage Cork accent, only saw a few minutes but it was brilliant, will drive done lads buck ape altogether

Was that the same one from the den?

as buck ape as chawwklit drives @gilgamboa?

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Ye Limerick boys love chaaaaaaaaawklit

Sinéad. The cork accent is strong alright

I have yet to see a funny female Irish comedian . That said most male Irish comedians are shite too .

My money would be on that this lady is probably shite too . Was she attractive at least ??

Ah no, you’ll love this one, did you not read mention of the savage Cork accent

Are ooooh from Cork?

I am, are oooh?

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Do oooh ate shpuds?