Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Thank god for everyone’s favourite.

The farmers

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At least ye are safe from tourists in the midlands


I wouldn’t have a massive problem with any of those groups, it’s the actual Nazi ghouls who want to have a holocaust for kicks like @labane1917, @ironmoth @Enrique that are the problem.

These people are genuinely dangerous lunatics and keeping them away from any other people is reason enough to have a lockdown.

Some folk just want to watch the world burn


Anyone see yeast in the shops. I’ll be running low soon.

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Britain, Britain, Britain


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I didn’t know you could knit a coronavirus vaccine. Honestly…

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Will do once this is over,fuck I’m going to live on the ocean,miss the swim

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Good god he should rebrand after that.

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Lads, I did something mental last night.


He had an original thought

When the extension was announced, I took a deep breath and decided to make the best of next 3 weeks with my family.

I’ll do as much work as possible but I’m rowing in here.

I’ve also started a list of home improvements needed, listed the local businesses I’ll support in doing so.

Negativity is banned here.

I urge some of the dangerous bastards on TFK to follow suit.


Mind your family.

Enjoy the next 3 weeks.


Get fucked I won’t forget how you’ve treated me for the last three weeks. It was Totally uncalled for.

Clear your system of your dangerous poison. Mind your family.

Have a great day & 3 weeks. Love yourself. Beat your addictions with love.


I’m absolutely fine. You trying to claim I’ve addiction or something like that because I’ve a different view on the corona virus to you isn’t very nice. Many posters had the same view as me but you didn’t become hysterical with them bringing their families into it.