Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Too busy making waffles

Highly alcoholic chocolate waffles?

It’s hard to remember another hysteria that’s been whipped up in this country like the current “people are going to their holiday homes” one. A couple of months ago everyone was hysteric because people had no houses. Now the whole of Dublin suddenly have two


You’re exaggerating there slightly mate, some might say hysterically so.

There’s surely a name for fear of Dubs?


No one fears the dubs

Except Mayo

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Nah, they’d probably have been better off if they feared them a bit.

Those local businesses will rue the day.

Can you imagine the absolute attention seeking cunts that would sign up for this.


This ‘hysteria’ thing just moves from one tiny demographic to another every few days. Even though the vast vast majority of people are doing things right that’s not good enough for people. They have to feel as if they’re superior and there’s all these OTHERS fucking it up for everyone.
So far
Panic buyers
Teenagers in groups
People going to beaches
People queueing for shops
Holiday homers

Probably a few more groups. It jumps every couple of days.


Thank god for everyone’s favourite.

The farmers

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At least ye are safe from tourists in the midlands


I wouldn’t have a massive problem with any of those groups, it’s the actual Nazi ghouls who want to have a holocaust for kicks like @labane1917, @ironmoth @Enrique that are the problem.

These people are genuinely dangerous lunatics and keeping them away from any other people is reason enough to have a lockdown.

Some folk just want to watch the world burn


Anyone see yeast in the shops. I’ll be running low soon.

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Britain, Britain, Britain


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I didn’t know you could knit a coronavirus vaccine. Honestly…

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