Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Ah yeah but shur we just need to come up with a new way of procreating as a species.

The naivety of some people who are just swallowing this thing whole is actually frightening.

You should head off to one of the countries that are dealing with it properly.

What would a scientist know?

How many times can you use it?

Are we allowed fly again? A weekend in Copenhagen would be lovely now actually.

Any timelines on that vaccine yet, mate?

You were always allowed fly. There were never restrictions on leaving or coming in to the country, just travelling within the country. Unless you choose to go to some basket case country like the UK or US you won’t need a vaccine.

It is. But I’d believe @ProjectX’s view on the numbers ahead of that lot.

I must get one. I think I had it in February. For sure.

The Micks only have themselves to blame in all this.

A nation of hypochondriacs and attention seeking fuckwits.

Mick was screaming for testing at the first sign of a sniffle, but the government changed the testing saying, “Now Mick, you are not really sick”

Mick was screaming for a lockdown, but was told on St Patrick’s night,

“you don’t really want this lockdown Mick; you are handing over your freedom to the EXPERTS”

No pubs, No GAA, No going for ice-cream and No more two holidays a year.

But Mick wanted to clap for the health workers and take not-so-funny selfies that he is “In this together.”

All the while being told by these EXPERTS he must stay at home, Mick wanted his E350 a week to sit at home, bake a few cakes, tweet about how great of a fucking job Tony Holohan is doing and watch some shite about some cunt in Sligo.

Now Mick sees other countries opening up, seeing them in bars and eating their ice-creams,

Mick doesn’t like it, not one bit, Mick wants out, he’s had enough of queuing for an hour to go into Woodies, he wants his dirty run down pub back, he wants to go for a drive to get some ice-cream, he wants his two holidays a year.

But the EXPERTS tell him, “No Mick, stay in, this is for your own good, you wanted this remember, you were sick, no pubs or GAA for you, wait until there is a vaccine, we have the power now”

Mick doesn’t like it up him, not one bit,

Mick wants to Open It Up To Fuck.


Interesting that she pretty much says the only accurate data they have are deaths and hospitaisations and that everything else is pretty much just guesswork.

Based on modelling :rofl:

The modelers have disgraced themselves mate, from Ferguson predicting half a million deaths in the UK, to U Washington predicting 40K deaths in Sweden. Anyone taking them seriously at this stage is an idiot.

As an aside I was in favor of an early lockdown and isolation of the vulnerable, followed by sensible social distancing.


And he had to give up the chance to go to the euros and let Stephen Kenny take over

TFK figured that out by 3 March.

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Did they open the pubs too early?


What’s a minus interest rate for so?

There’s still the odd poster (pun intended) throwing up percentages, graphs and stats that are obviously nonsense. One lad stuck up a link to a graph that was prepared by a reader. Some didn’t even realise that countries counted covid 19 deaths differently.

Counting deaths differently? That’s mad … Like 2 points for a ginger? Half a point for a black person - that kind of thing?


It’s over lads. Anyone still on the other side of the argument would want to go away and have a long hard look at themselves

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The investment bankers have never let us down before, why would they start now

My name is Jim