Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Are you able to run plays?

D Pad

I keep committing fouls

You need to hold the line

At time in march it was the correct call but I’m completely OIUTF now. Virus appears to be gone from community and other countries better and worse are pushing on with going back to normality

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Why are we using it and why is this not being challenged by the handpicked journalists? Are the afraid they will lose their spot in press conference. The way yourman was going on was it was doom and the journal comment section lapped it up. Simon will tweet it and save us all

Have the Irish CCP made any decisions yet?

That’d get the oxygen pumping again

Tax the poor and bail out DOB, hes stuck for cash apparently

It’s been pretty clear over the last 6 weeks that the private hospitals were surplus to requirements. Yet when pressed today Harris says he hasn’t seen a breakdown of the costs and wont publish information about the contract as it is commercially sensitive. He also said that there will be a review in 2 weeks of the current contract with private hospitals where he hope’s that a plan can be put in place for cancer screenings and other healthcare treatments can be rolled out again. So friends of FG like Goodman and O Brien can eke another couple of months of free money at expense of tax payer.


Twould probably put me looking for a second ventilator

Farcical. Coat is probably ridiculous. Never mind the human cost of cancelled scans and cancellations of “elective” surgery. Majority of elective surgerys are orthopedic implants or pain relief. Anyone who nags a relative that has had a knee or hip replaced will know the improvement in pain and quality of life. These have all been put on long finger

The career mode is a bit too contrived for my liking.

So the Minister for Health doesn’t know how much this is costing? If he doesn’t know who does,? Aside from Denis and Larry obviously.

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Simple simon was elected to lead not read. Just sign blank checks. He got away with a €3 billion children’s hospital

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Can this be true? The folk that were already on the dole are still getting the Jobseeker’s Allowance of c.€203. The €350 is for those that were in employment but lost their jobs, is it not? Is Varadkar claiming that 40% of this subset were earning less than €350 per week in their jobs? Sure no wonder people can’t afford housing and shit if so many of them are practically on the minimum wage.

I may have this ALL WRONG.

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Barry Cowan will have to tidy up whatever mess Harris leaves behind, when new collation is formed.

Part Time students would be better off anyway.

No idea what % they make up though.

Assume it included a lot of part time workers who are creaming it.

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It did. Hospitality industry - lots of people are part time and not making more than 12 euro an hour.