Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m not the government, m8. I’m only a forklift driver.

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late February

Wrong, early reported cases came from numerous locations, including Northern Italy. Cases into Ireland came from loads of places all over Europe and from the likes of Boston.

New Zealand avoided widespread community transmission. They had a few unique cases of it including a bar on St Patrick’s Day where a super spreader brought it in after travelling from aborad, but they avoided it outside of that.

Madrid and Barcelona in Spain … nothing much happened elsewhere. One region in Italy. Our nursing homes all over the country were hit.

Sure Ireland is a spec of a place compared to those countries mate

:grinning: :grinning:, another expert who has posted the following links as a source of expert knowledge

A reality TV doctor

and this beaut, a link to an expert who got his mate to prepare a few graphs

Aww, never give up buddy. Your posts keep us all entertained during these difficult times

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Interesting stats from Denmark who began reopening mid April.

Meanwhile, you were roaring at your mother to stay away from the kids :rofl:

Numerous locations? How did they get into the country? Burrow in?

You’ve just made another self-defeating point there Tim.

I schooled you on the HSE last month and I was proven 100% correct and I’m schooling you again here now.

Health care workers caught it at work. That’s where they need to be protected. Closing airports is no good to them now.

Nope. We have since discovered that we had people in ICU in February with Covid, with incubation that suggests early February.

Covid was found to have been in Paris in December, with the person not having traveled from China.

So you’re still backing Sweden and ridiculing New Zealand for having no known cases?

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Yes and the source is all to do with international travel into Ireland.

Why risk those healthcare workers by increasing the chance of spreading the virus?

I am just stating that saying it was all Northern Italy is wrong.

It’s a simple fact.

The point on travel restrictions is once again that they needed to be in place weeks and weeks before NZ brought them in. Before most people knew Covid even existed.

I didn’t say it was just Northern Italy.

Where did I ridicule NZ?

It doesn’t increase the risk. The risk is within Ireland. Most of Europe is better at this than we are. If anything, having open travel with countries that are mostly safer than us makes us more safe.

Not what you said. Wrong again.

I don’t see anything exclusive there. The first confirmed cases were from people returning from Northern Italy.