Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Again, what?

They had 19 deaths which, when compared to the rest of the world is quite extraordinary yet you refuse to give them any credit and instead have an awful horn for some random pub that was open on St Patrick’s Day. :grinning: :grinning:

Oh come on, that is very simple. Don’t play silly buggers.

If the EU wanted us to put billions of euro of national debt on citizens to save bondholders would you pedaling that line?

I have no idea what you are saying. You claim to not want travel restrictions and are ostriching when the outcome of that is laid out.

What exactly is it you want?

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Ireland is an island and not half as densely populated as most of Europe and we shielded ourselves with the old.

He wants to go to gigs and weekend breaks in Europe.

My jesus

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You’ve presumed an outcome of allowing travel and the outcome you’ve presumed is entirely unlikely.

I’d be interested to see your workings.

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International travel spread the virus to almost the entire planet and has so far been a massive contributor to 400k deaths worldwide.

DR Cervical Check told all the people who it doesn’t affect to stay at home for three months and let the care homes fuck themsleves, he murdered people.


So you think gang are going to pay to travel somewhere and stay in a hotel room for a week?

What is the outcome you think of allowing open travel?

Whatever about economic and social reasons, I’d agree with those, but this safety angle is absolutely moronic

I think there will be a travel ban in place but not the one being argued for here … The EU will ban their citizens travelling to Ireland to reduce risk of them bringing the virus back to their countries…

Only if you go on a meat factory tour

top of the class for care home deaths globally, big bualadh bos, a top class job

Ah lovely here’s captain Ahab on now with his harpoon as well

No. But are hordes of tourists likely to descend and spread the virus all over the place like you presume? No.

Maybe look at it another way.

Most European countries that managed this well introduced a 14 day quarantine/isolation measure for arrivals for a period. Ireland didn’t. Most countries that introduced that measure have now removed it.

That measure was designed to help restrict circulation at the early stages.

Most EU countries have now removed that measure. Now, Ireland introduces that same measure. But, it’s too late for that to be helpful because the virus is already here in significant numbers, it’s too late to limit further introduction because the risk is here, it’s us, it’s not the others.

And then look at the countries that have done well. They have removed the travel restriction.

Given that we have managed this badly, how likely is it that we are right to introduce this measure now, and all the countries that have managed the pandemic better than us, that have removed travel restrictions, are wrong?

Fairly unlikely I’d say.

That’s all well and good.

How is it safer?

It’s ok to say it isn’t and you were only winding up @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Most of the EU? It’s safer because they have fewer deaths and cases per capita, and have kept infection rate lower for longer. We are worse than most of the EU, I don’t know why you are arguing that, it’s a given and a starting point in the discussion at this stage.

By the way I’m not in favour of simply opening up for the sake of it. Its clear to me we should have had lockdown earlier. But I believe whatever restrictions we have in place should be supported by solid reason and data.