Coronavirus - Close the Airports

More caravans landing on the Curragh everyday. Social Distancing non existent according to friends based in the area.

Where are we going like?

Wasn’t there something today suggesting that traffic levels haven’t increased noticeably i.e. if people are loosening behaviour it’s not being seen in car levels on the road

Have any unessential businesses reopened or are you talking about coffee shops/restaurants doing takeaway etc? They are allowed to open but closed for solidarity reasons/lack of logistics in keeping themselves open.

I do feel as though that a lot of the closures by businesses initially were in a “national effort” way.

If we go back now, would pubs have been as quick to “voluntarily” close on March 16th if they knew that the Minister would now be suggesting that he doesn’t have a clue when they could reopen? Remember that the public health guidance at the time of closures was for venues to have less than 100 persons, and many places tried to enforce this. Some greedy pubs in Temple Bar ruined things for everyone else though, Simon Harris saw that on Twitter and went to the Vintners and threatened them. They closed in the “national effort”, not the public health advice of the time. This is now making it more difficult to reopen for them with a Minister who doesn’t want to commit to anything beyond the elusive hope of a vaccine, as he doesn’t want to be torn apart on social media.

I think the Government have done a good job overall. I think Harris was very good at communicating at the start of this and for most of the period. I think we made a good effort to test broadly at the start and have been far more successful in putting in an infrastructure for that than others. Economically, we reacted quickly and have tweaked supports when required. The HSE have done a good job in tooling up. I think we have made a great effort at being transparent, you would like more daily data but we have been far better than most in actively looking for Covid related deaths and reporting them.

But at this point, some honesty on living with Covid is needed. Just saying we aren’t sure when things can reopen isn’t good enough, we need to be told what level of ongoing infections we can live with without a vaccine.

I haven’t seen much evidence of it myself beyond businesses that can still reopen doing so after a few weeks of being closed & more activities in parks. I think people are learning to live within the confines of it but that will only last so long.

There is a small construction site near me that has continued some work on it - but the developer has “put up” a couple of the workers on site since the lockdown so they probably would just argue it is DIY. :upside_down_face:

  • Almost half of all people who have died with coronavirus in Europe were residents in care facilities, the World Health Organisation’s regional director for Europe has said.

Dr Hans Kluge told a press conference today there was a “deeply concerning picture” emerging regarding those in long-term care.

He said: “According to estimates from countries in the European region, up to half of those who have died from Covid-19 were resident in long-term care facilities. This is an unimaginable human tragedy.”

I was informed by a family friend that things are very bad in the hospitals. Nurses are dropping like flies with this virus and if there’s any bit of a resurge they won’t be able to cope with it at all. Sounded very grim.

What a monster. Varadkar in The Irish Times:

“So far, we’ve not been able to slow transmission of the virus in every setting, and its impact in long term care residential facilities, nursing homes and other care facilities is great.”

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We will be having a referendum on Euthanasia in the not too distant future.

I have also heard that some hospitals were never quieter

Blow it up. Fine Gael has beaten Covid 19 out the gate.

There are about 30 patients with Covid in UHL at the minute my source tells me. A&E is slowed to a trickle and they’ve cancelled all electives. There’s a lot of them doing very little. Electives will have to restart shortly

end the lockdown

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The hospitals are full of expensive empty beds

hearing similar re other southern hospitals Julio but I am not that close to the scene to know the reality

A good thing in that the last thing we want to hear is that there is mayhem in the hospitals.

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Brought the oul lad up to UCHG yesterday evening. He’s been getting sick on and off with the last couple of weeks and finally bit the bullet and agreed to go up and get checked out.
Only 11 in A&E so might be as good a time as any to be in there.

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Lot of lads were going to A and E before this who had no reason to be there.


It’s time to enter the Boss Level of this.

I’m not saying they are busy there is just so many nurses off or in the verge exhaustion they wouldn’t cope with any sort of surge.