Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Which ones? Ourselves? There is a definition out there on universal care that we don’t meet somewhere but we absolutely have a care system, as do most European countries. I don’t think there would be many other regions like this.

A change in attitudes to care homes certainly. I don’t think Europe has forgotten the elderly, but the current set up makes these places breeding grounds for the virus. There’ll be a lot of people looking at Denmark’s approach now but I’m not even 100% sure that will end up being kosher.

Sidney would be loving this stuff

With no apology or admitting that he knew what he was talking about, just waffle.

Plenty of lads getting exercised by this. I’m far more worried that Harris often carves policy out of social media and the current government are delaying releasing how we are all going to have to live with this virus, when other countries have done so.


Agreed. The job is clearly too much for him, needs to resign


I agree. We can move Charlie across.

Yeah the next phase is a test as whatever they do people are going to complain.

They have done a good job so far.

Not sure why people are so exercised on what the plan is yet - there are still nearly two weeks before end of this phase. They have ruled out large events before end of summer.

Agreed, Harris’s greasy head will be the first on the block when the new Govt is formed. The Harvard educated social democrat likely to take over the reins though, not Charlie

I trust Simon will be taken care of. Not that sort of taken care of mind you.

Simon Icarus Harris, he came, he saw some microphones andcouldn’t help himself now he’s gone gone gone

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He’ll be remembered fondly in time no doubt.

Page 3 of the Irish Times @Tim_Riggins


Maybe by the Easter bunny and his fellow boo boo merchants. Not by his constitiuents where he only got in on the 15th count or by the relatives of people who have been lost during this virus. People losing their loved ones would rather see someone less concerned with PR making the decisions right now


I agree. He’s doing as well as anyone could.

Was driving down to Howth there to post a letter and buy some stamps. Guards had a checkpoint out at the entrance to the village and were turning day trippers back.

Tell that to the Nursing Homes

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Do you have where the Healy Rae comments were?

I see it quite high up on the IT anyway. This narrative that the Irish Government get a free ride from the media is hilarious.

I probably don’t have the edition saved for the Healy Rae comment

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Good questions from the new Labour leader

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I doubt they need me bothering them individually right now. I’ll get in touch after. They have my support as has our Minister in this crisis period.

This is just it. Everyone is hanging on the Governments every word right now, Leo for all his faults isn’t stupid and neither are Coveney or Donoghue but Harris going off on solo runs and making an idiot of himself everything someone shoves a microphone in front of him is directly contributing to a growing sense of unease and impatience in the general public.

There are clear dividing lines now in public opinion and no doubt this is being replicated at cabinet level, meanwhile the lockdown is in danger of becoming a laughing stock, more and more people going out every day and business’s opening off their own bat while the Govt is busy offering no way out of this. Leo thinking an interview with Miriam O Callaghan will do the trick just not cutting it

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