Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They had their fun

Not much good news today. Reports out of China are that dozens are testing positive two months after recovering. Don’t know if they are infectious or not.


Game over lads

It was all over nothing

Where are those mate, any links?

Where did you hear that?

If it’s 0.5 or less mortality rate and mainly old people with underlying conditions then it may be something we learn to live with


This news is wellknown yet it hasn’t stopped many countries from publishing their plans for easing the lockdown including Scotland today

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I read something a week or so ago that the Brits reckoned ventilating wasn’t needed in most cases and may make things worse

That’s what the article says.

giphy (9)

New York is 0.75%, and I suspect Lombardy, Madrid, Paris and London may be around there as well. That’s as bad as we will see you’d imagine, with the focus on protecting the vulnerable and sensible social isolation that wasn’t in place January - early March.

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Big meeting currently going on that could determine the very future of the EU

What effects will this have on the euro ?

The euro will be fucked if the clog wearing windmillers get their way

Denis Irwin was right about the Dutch. Bunch of me feining cunts. Sure they systematically murder their elderly there anyway so why would they give a fuck


The eu is finished. The brits knew and got the fuck out