Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Most arrogant shower of cunts you’ll ever meet. That little cunt should never have stuck his finger in the damn to stop the water. Should have let the cunts drown

The Brits are an example of astute governance for everyone

The way Italy was treated should never be forgotten

Killing all the sick and elderly could turn out to be a great move by Boris.

The hungriest bastards you’ll ever meet.

Indeed, great for balancing the books. The tories will adopt it as an annual policy now you would think

There’s a perception of the Dutch as fun loving because they smoke weed, and they love raves and pills. But they are joyless bastards in my experience


Correct, lapsed poster @Thomas_Brady just text me there to say their porn is shit too compared to the Germans


plus they d mow you down on their poxy bikes the minute you set foot outside central station in Amsterdam

The original tin foil brigade.

Flying to Eindhoven a couple of years ago and the flight predominantly Dutch natives; when the trolley service commenced sandwiches/rolls/drinks & tupperware were produced en masse.

Probably the worst city I was ever in

People have had enough of this shit. “Do this do that. Stay at home” enough is enough

Their fans had good bantz with jacks army at the major tournaments

The visit was purely recreational(a stag) and exceeded my expectations. I had no prior knowledge of the place so the strip was a pleasant surprise.

Would you normally get more than six mourners at funerals in Tanland?:thinking:


They’d nearly execute a driver if he hits a cyclist.

Pencil neck will be on the Late Late again tomorrow night patronising people with this “your doing it for Oireland”.


Twas a grand weekend. The drive back was tough, mind.

Wow, this thread traffic down tenfold since Sidney got he’s marching orders.