Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The oul lad was able to speak with his specialist before he went in to hospital, could have waited for an appt next Tuesday too if he wasn’t being pushed in by us

It’s not Social Media friendly to report that kind of news.

I can’t figure out why Dr Valerie wouldn’t speak to her patient’s consultant to sort an appt out rather than tweeting Simon, maybe I’m missing something

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Retweets possibly

It’s also true that people with cancer/and other conditions are being left off with far less care than usual. The health service is a massive operation. There are many cracks for people to fall through. What is true for the mid west might not be so in Dublin and vice versa.

A family member had reason to see a consultant during the week for a minor procedure. When it was done and dusted she said I cant take any money off you for that…she didn’t know if she was acting in a public or private capacity even though appt had been made privately months ago. Risk that taking payment when not entitled would have created an insurance issue

A good time to go private so

Banks doing their thing already with home loans according to the indo. Fucking cunts.

Students concerned that their summer is gone. Fucking cunts.

There’s a generation of kids whose dreams of a week in Magaluf have been torn away from them.


A number of consultants have raised public concerns about not being able to see cancer patients, but some lad on the INTERNET says they’re all lying. My guess is the truth is somewhere in the middle. Some patients being seen without hassle, others being left in limbo.


Fucking hell. That’s mental.

Mr. Bourke from Tipperary - it’s not about the money. It’s about someone taking responsibility. How about taking responsibility yourself Mr. Bourke.

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118 are in ICU

St Mary’s was a grim enough spot to begin with.

Yep. Do you know the rehab hospital in clontarf @Fagan_ODowd? Apparently it’s got a load of cases and is running low on staff.

Hadn’t heard that.

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