Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It’s been some clusterfuck effort of administration. Everyone is doing their best but they really could have done better.

There could be a lot of legal shenanigans on the foot of all this. It’s a right mess

I was told by a revenue offeesshal (hi if you’re reading) that there have been 60,000 people claiming the PUP AND the WSS. Thick fucks. PPSN used for both.

And another 80,000 fraudulently claiming the PUP. DSW knows but hasn’t resources to deal with it.

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Another aspect is a lot of business’s are using the current confusion to ‘release’ certain employees they otherwise couldn’t have and/or are exploiting the situation to make them do jobs outside of their actual job description. The system is being abused in other words and is actually sometimes leading to the exact opposite of what it was initiated to avoid happening. Employment legal types are licking their lips no doubt

I saw a case this week where a business made a claim under the WSS that I thought was marginal in the extreme based on a v generous interpretation of the legislation. They boxed it off and got written ok from local revenue office…another business made exact same claim exact same circumstances and went to different revenue office for approval and they got laughed out the door

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cc @peddlerscross @BruidheanChaorthainn

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aids ridden cunts, fuck Cheltenham and horse racing

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The two treacherous cunts still asking when their racing will be back. Two cunts should be in Limerick prison or alternatively Aiseiri.


See James knight/Bruce millington on twitter. This is already proven to be bolox.

This is very worrying


And you’ve idiots wanting more lock down. The cure is much worse than the disease. More people will die from lock down than the virus in Ireland. It’s absolutely horrible to watch.

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What does cancel the contract refer to?

apart from virus patients, the hospitals are empty in England, I don’t know what it is like in Ireland. You can go into A&E now and been seen straight away over the bloody hysteria that has been created. it is a thundering disgrace

The contract to take over the private hospitals in preparation for a Covid-19 surge.

It’s a funny one.

I’ve a close personal friend who’s mother is being treated for Cancer currently. Treatment needed to start and she is getting it in Dublin.

Do you believe this is as one sided currently as you have posted? Do you believe nobody who needs treatment is getting it?

More money… but it wouldn’t look good to blurt that line out.

More money for the doctors? I thought bandage said it was about the government contract with the private hospitals?

I fear an ambush. :joy:I dont believe anything lad.
It was a more of worrying if true type of post. It seems to stand to reason that if private hospitals have been taken over to treat covid patients that there is a kind of robbing from Peter to pay Paul going on.

Perhaps you could try posting a balanced view on the situation. Dimmer lads here would believe that cancer patients are dying in ditches because of Self Isolation methods.

Carry on etc…

Yes it was much better when you had to wait 12 hours in A&E.