Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m going to make an uneducated call here but I’d say he’s a complete gimp.


Wexford Hurlers are gone that way for a while now. Where have you been?

people get the shits of that craic very quick, the internet was full of videos of Italian lads there a month ago, playing the decks on balconies and violins and all that shite, they are all inside in their flat now with their head in their hands thinking about suicide

Think the story from today’s Irish Times was linked already above. The usual kite flying you see in the weekend press about what may happen post the expiry of the next lockdown phase.

Items to be implemented or under consideration include:

  • 2km zone to be extended to 5km or 10km;
  • Over 70s to be allowed out to exercise and to shop at certain times, might have to wear masks;
  • Family “bubbles” to be permitted so that household groups can meet with sibling household groups and parents - i.e. grandparents would be able to see grandchildren and the “bubbles” would be easy to trace / isolate if there were renewed outbreaks;
  • Schools back one day per week, focus on Leaving Cert class in particular;
  • Old man and pussy non-contact “sports” like golf and tennis to be allowed;
  • DIY, garden, hardware, furniture stores to reopen;
  • Essential construction activity to recommence;

I was delighted for the lady that featured on the Prime Time hard cases the other night. Not the single parent who lives in a 2 up, 2 down with her own children and her sick mother, or the mother living in a cramped apartment with her partner and 3 children. But the woman who had recently been diagnosed with a VITAMIN D deficiency and wasn’t allowed to go on her favoured daily walk route because it was outside the 2km zone. These changes would be a victory for her.


They are cyclists. Rules didn’t apply to them before the lockdown, why would they now?

Some fellas love attention.

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@TreatyStones I’ll meet you in Kildimo for a few cans

They sound like very sensible moves. If they reopened the crèches I could really get on board with WFH. I’d be able to catch up on TV series while replying to emails then


A good plate of mushrooms would help with the vitamin D. .

They need to open the missus’ office asap. I can’t bear her tutting from her work pc. It’s cost me wins on FIFA.


@Copper_pipe how is tinder , is zooming the new thing now or what . If people cant ride I dunno how tinder will survive .

Have you an “Ultimate Team” mate?

I’m not a fan of Tinder making the “Passport” feature free. I’m in Cork at the moment and its showing people who are currently in the USA because they have set their location as Cork :upside_down_face:

Tinder will survive alright.

Zoom isn’t bad to be fair. One of the lads has a paid zoom account so he hosts the calls to avoid the call cutting out after 40 minutes. Handy for a quiz etc.

Are quizzes popular now on Tinder?
Women have always been dazzled by a fella with all the answers at a quiz, it was only a matter of time

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I don’t. I’m fairly harmless at it

Not yet anyway! There’s a long summer there yet though.

Lads must be making a killing on these Door Handles. Offices will see them as a must.

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How many of the parents here would send their kids back if the schools opened one day a week? A few people I’ve talked to say they wouldn’t and most of what I see from breda and the gang on Facebook seems to be the same. ‘I wouldn’t make my child a Guinea pig’, the general consensus. Be very difficult logistically I’d imagine

Lame arse attempts at justifying their own jobs is all they are doing

26 deaths

701 cases