Coronavirus - Close the Airports

New cases still high, erratic numbers but still high.

Any median age on deaths?

Schools wont open before september imho.

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Unless they open in August, and eat into the holidays, I’d agree.

If they don’t, fuck all else will. Parents cant leave kids at home. Simple as. Primary kids need to go back for June partially at least.

Cant see it Juhy.

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Drove up from Waterford today. Between the start of the M9 in Waterford and Naas, a distance of 80 miles, I passed one car and one car passed me. I’d say people are taking heed still. Big check point at Clare Hall stopping cars both ways. Heard earlier that there was a checkpoint at the round about at Coast earlier and they were turning back cyclists outside the 2km limit.

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Can’t see the teachers agreeing to that cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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Many in Dunmore, talking to a local during the week whinging about the village seeing blow ins around the locality.

Yes. I hear it got a bit fevered there Easter weekend. I gave it a swerve.

Feeling very anxious tonight… can’t see restrictions being eased at all

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Hello there . Welcome aboard.

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First things first. Are you affiliated with the barneycurleys?


Teachers would die before they give up their divine right to get paid to work during summer and not work.

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With the brats at home all day I think a lot of parents are finally discovering just how tough the teaching profession has it

You said all day?

So they find it about 6 times tougher than the teachers have it.

I was talking to some parent types I know and they were saying they just don’t know how teachers manage it. One even opined they will need a three month holiday when the lockdown is all done and dusted

I was told last night by my great pal janeyb that the London mayor’s office reckoned the lockdown was predicted to last 12 weeks.
I can’t see it lasting that long.
I’d say we are on the home stretch, with the proviso that covid is likely to be a fact of life for the foreseeable future.


Teachers only have the kids for 7/8 months, 5 days a week for a half day in a classroom environment where they are supposed to educate them, which they get paid handsomely to do so.

They don’t mind other people’s kids 24/7 for a prolonged period of time without any monetary incentive.

Therefore the people you were talking to are comparing apples and oranges

Irish numbers are terrible and we shut things down a week earlier than the brits. We’re still getting huge new case numbers. England have under tested and under declared numbers but still have massive numbers. They didn’t shut down good and pwopper and are getting itchy feet already. Surely it’ll be second wave carnage there sooner rather than later.

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It’ll be second, third,fourth wave everywhere, but with softening crests I reckon.