Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Completely agree compliance of the restrictions will be none existence unless they publish some sort of plan for easing restrictions based on maintaining the ICU numbers and keeping the R number below 0.5 to 0.7

If they treat the public like children the public wont listen anymore. We were asked to follow guidelines to flatten curve and buy time. Which has been achieved. The strains on the public are starting to show

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You were told a lockdown until May 5th and a blue print for an easing of restrictions would be announced this week.

A lot of those countries you list we don’t want to repeat their mistakes, they are ahead of us in the virus curve so what harm in waiting to see impact their measures have.

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Global passenger flights should be grounded for around 2 years.


In fairness the vast majority of Irish people knew Simon and Leo were a pair of cunts long before Covid 19 or even Covid 18.

Its the patronising shit that does my head in. As someone said previously its like a teacher cancelling PE on Friday if they all dont get A1s in their upcoming Trigonometry tests. Its pathetic. On the 5th of May I am done with it anyway.


You told us FG beat Covid19 then asked for heads to roll a few moments later.


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Hard to disagree with that.

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I was joshing. They’ve done as good a job as can be expected.

The next phase is key but lads throwing their toys out of the pram because they have not been told next steps yet is funny to watch.

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Have they?

I don’t think they’ve been disastrous but they’ve made a number of big mistakes and I don’t like the spin and PR bullshit they have wasted a lot of endeavour in.

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Yes and the IMF will be on the first plane out of Frankfurt to Dublin again when this is all over. If we wait to see what other countries achieve how long will that case study last. If a country relaxes restrictions, we will probably have to wait 4-6 weeks by the time we can tell if it has had many negative consequences or not. It is a very conservative approach and one which we could all be paying for for a very long time.


Liverpool fans, rugby fans and skiing school kids caused this. Every single prejudice I had has been reinforced. I’m so vindicated


It’s a tragedy for those concerned but limiting deaths to mainly people in 80s and in nursing homes is an acceptable result for most people . The complacency around social distancing Is growing because people have not seen it hitting us badly.

A person I am dealing with for work is based in NYC, is a bit older and was not leaving her home at all because of risk of infection. Irish people are starting to think this was all a storm in a tea cup.

People are assuming we won’t relax restrictions but everything points to us doing that and opening up things slowly but if you tell the Micks a week early we’ll lose a week of benefit of lockdown.

But Ireland had all the natural advantages for this to be .

Very similar to NZ, I don’t think it’s been a disaster but I also don’t think it’s been managed near as well as it could have been. I’d give them a 6/10 on handling things so far.

There should be big questions when this has all down in that they cited constitution in their inability to tackle crisis in the state before but constitution had little impact when it came through to putting in emergency measures during this.

It’s a 4 and a bit hour flight from Ireland to Turkey. It’s the same from NZ to the nearest decent sized country (Australia).
The Italians fucked Europe. There was no coming back from it we are too connected

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I’m not sure why people have such low standards or expectations in terms of elected individuals or organisations. Well thats a lie, I do actually. But can it not be expected that they take a few minutes of meetings or record who said what. Even use a dictaphone or something. Spend on Childrens hospital at €2bn. No record or minutes. Global pandemic, no minutes. School board of management meeting on buying a ride on lawnmower to cut the backfield. They take minutes. County boards meeting. Minutes of meetings are read out from previous meeting and new ones taken.


We’re not very similar to NZ in many, many ways. Being part of the EU and very close proximity and being part of an open travel union to the 4 worst hit countries in UK, France, Italy and Spain.

Seasonal variance must also be taken into account when comparing Oceania with Europe.

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We jumped the gun in financial crisis and guaranteed Anglo. The EU went batshit at Ireland acting unilaterally and punished us. Ireland is too small to act unilaterally and close borders.

Interesting thing would be next phase will we impose restrictions when flights start back.