Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They are terrified of FOI.

Have they not suspended access to FOI requests?

It’s illegal for us to impose restrictions on flights but we can become a police stare without even so much as a public debate

@johnnysachs agreed you can see people are already ignoring it. It’s tough on the Guards too, constantly asking people what they at. I came across a checkpoint yesterday going from Cork to Limerock yourman was more interested in how my car is too drive rather than where I was going or why.

This attitude that the public will do what they they tell them will backfire soon. Tbf I haven’t heard of anyone getting sick in last few weeks, whether that’s an indication that we’re all locked up or worst has past. We do have an issue that is acute to nursing homes where the focus needs to be

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You can’t be personally held accountable for any decisions taken on your recommendation if there’s no record of you doing so. Simples.


Come again?

Unfortunately the people cheerleading that debate are 2 lunatics in Gemma O Doherty and John Waters. There is a fear of being caught on the same side of the argument as them.

No idea. I was talking in more general terms about PS.

There was nothing stopping Ireland from restricting travel and shutting the airports a lot sooner.

Not illegal. Just bad diplomacy when we need the cooperation of our larger EU member states.

Gemma has already got every plane that was poisoning us with chemtrails out of the sky, I wouldn’t rule her out yet. The 5G crowd must be shitting themselves

There was. The lads are just after explaining it to you.

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The lads from the North can drive down and do what they want apparently, but I’m not allowed to go more than 2km from my house :man_shrugging:

I’m not going anywhere anyway so I don’t really give a shit, but it’s a fairly ridiculous

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That is fairly ridiculous and seems Bollox if true. If it’s a legal loophole then maybe a parliament of law makers could close it immediately.

The government
The horsey set
The footix that travelled to anfield

All to blame imho


We have more than half our workforce receiving income support. They need to be getting as many as possible back to work, starting with construction and all it’s associated industries from the 5th. When are they planning on telling lads they’re back to work, same timing as Leo telling them they would not have work to go to at 9pm on the Sunday night he announced lockdown.

And the Hurlers on the ditch

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So how come the thing that was restricting them stopped restricting them a month or two later?

Because almost every other member state and the UK adopted pretty much the same restrictions at the same time.