Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Is it half the workforce in Ireland getting unemployment assistance?

Lads driving around on their tractor all day on 200 acres telling people living in flats in Dublin to deal with it


Ya the lads on the tractor are feeding us , the dubs in the flat are bleeding us .

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I live in a flat and I’m still going to work.

Was fit to kill a few weeks ago, but I’m making the best of it now.

I actually think I’m lucky to have work. Not just considering so many others are facing uncertainty, but just as a social outlet.


I thought familys in dublin be delighted to be spending time in the houses they bought for €700,000 .

Yep close enough when you take out the public sector.

You are very lucky to be able to go to work. It’s a life saver.

Are the public sector - the HSE being paid full salary? or on the 305?


The hse and the public sector have had no pay cuts I think. The hse are all working I presume.

I’m not aware of any cuts in public sector pay. I know some of the people who have been sent home and can’t work from home are on a list for redeployment for Covid duties but not many of them have been redeployed yet. So a lot of the people who just print off emails and bring it from one desk to another and that sort of thing are at home with nothing to do all day really.

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Brand new mower bought for the photo, fire a few blades of grass over it and the job’s oxo


Scandalous at a time like this, when people who add tremendous value to the economy are forced into unemployment and paid 350 week. Other than essential services like HSE, public servants should all be furloughed and on the 305 until the crisis is over. It’s the same here, huge numbers of people are being paid to stay at home and do nothing. Government employees should be the first to take the economic hit.

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Private sector can be just as sickening in another way though. Mindfullness apps, slido quizes, pretending to give a shite about people - it would make you sick even if there wasnt a bit of flu going around.


Agreed. It’s the pretending to give a shit about people that grates with me most.


If the government extend this lockdown for another 3 weeks, I’m not abiding by it. Will drive down to an aul quiet beach in Kerry some stage next weekend. Fuck em.


I hope you get locked up you selfish cunt.


Driving to a quiet beach meeting no one. How is that harming anyone?

Sure why don’t we all do it so if that’s the case.
