Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Don’t be saying that, the lads in Clare and Wexford had their pitch forks out in case any dubs came down and wanted to walk 2m away from them on the beech

Sure it makes no logical sense in the first place. 2km is just a pure random number they pulled out of their holes, after sticking their thumbs up there. Why not 1.5km? why not 3km? Etc etc. It’s to be seen to do something, not to actually have an affect. Like most of the policies they are so people won’t be able to say ye didn’t do enough to them afterwards. There’s no science or logic to it


Weirdly though it seems to be the measure they are policing most.

It means I can go to Durrow to get a Chinese rather than being stuck with the chipper in Ballyragget

Again, it’s an easy one to be seen to be doing.
Effective use of resources would be going into these nursing homes and doing something there. But that’s hard and it wouldn’t be noticed by the Facebook crowd.

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It’s getting easier as time goes on, my only fear is will there be any country at all to go back to in the end.

Fucking Zuckerberg the prick

It was based primarily on nudging people not to travel and “trying to protect hospital capacity”.

Given hospital capacity has not been a significant issue with ICU numbers falling/levelling off, this one has to be called out by the media.

To be fair to them they were right to be nervous about the hospitals being overwhelmed, since they are basically in a constant state of crisis at the best of times. But it’s time they showed a bit of fortitude and made a proactive move instead of sitting waiting for someone else to figure it out for them

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And the whole “don’t wear a mask” thing

And the “no point stopping Italians coming in” thing

And the “leave the nursing homes open” thing

The media will be busy


That’s the thing, it ceases to exist as a valid one once capacity becomes clear.

Yes you want to dissuade people from going to “beauty” spots - our the Guards there then to stop crowds.

They will relax things next week. They cannot say it now or people will treat restrictions as already gone. Another week is a long time especially with a bank holiday weekend.

Countries with paramilitary police forces find it easier to lock people in their homes.

The lockdown can only be temporary. The no masks advice is to try and make sure front line workers have them but masks will be our new normal along with temperature checks and phone location tracing.

People have relaxed already. It’s done. The people are finished with it

You are probably right which is why there will be checkpoints this week to try and stop the holiday makers.

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God bless the frontline staff

Hold the line

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They’ll do some lifting alright along the lines of @myboyblue’s post above which I can’t reply to. I’d be happy enough with that, tip down the motorway on the 9th and spend a few hours in the parent’s back garden then come back up the road.


Someone pick Paddy Cosgrave off the floor.


It would be interesting to see what the variety of opinions would be across different parts of society outside of here. I’d say 90% of active posters on TFK are males between 35 and 45 with reasonably good jobs who can work away from home and have comfortable domestic situations. Lads who haven’t really been impacted too drastically and are happy enough to sit around the house drinking cans or smoking weed in the evenings and spend more time with their kids for those who have them and could easily do this for another 6 months.

There’s hundreds of thousands of people not in this situation in the country.


There’s a lot of “I’m alright jack” types around alright. The lock it down to fuck crew who are very comfortable. They don’t care about society and the big picture


Lads uploading photos of their banana bread telling people facing ruin to suck it up