Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Technically Saturday but anyone who drank alcohol on good Friday is doing good.

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Fucking bastards.

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Mate, I spelled it all out nearly six weeks ago. We either had to lock the whole country down to try and avoid it, or we had to let people get it at a slow rate. We chose the latter. It ends when there’s a vaccine in 18 months. Until then we will have periods where life looks to be back to normal and cases will explode again and we’ll be back in lock down… The only way out quickly is herd immunity. But that’s a lot of deaths in a short space of time.

This is life until we get a vaccine or herd immunity.

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Fuck it you remind me of a lad who used to post here, a man I used to admire.

It took me a minute to type remind there, I’m goosed.

The best thing you can do is go out and get the bastard thing and take your chances. Some birds are just not meant to be caged… You’ll be dead in two months time if you don’t take the risk so you’ve nothing to lose really.

I’m going licking Tesco bread in the morning. Fuck this shit.

If I didn’t have a child to worry about id roll the dice myself. It’s literally the only way out if it…


Frank asks a pertinent question. I know 3 people who went to Cheltenham and got infected. They’re in the clear now, but impossible to know how many people they passed it on to.

See you on the other side, bro.

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My senior civil service source informed me during the week that this current lockdown in some form is going to be extended to until at least August, gradually restrictions will be tapered off with the hope by Christmas some form of normality will return. Forget about the extension today by Leo, the herd need to be coaxed into this reality. It sounds shit but you will adapt, its not the end of the world. This is a piece of cake to the human race compared to some of the right serious shit it has had to face.

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Listen its time to draw a line under this Cheltenham bashing codswallop here. It hasn’t caused a worst case scenario here so fucking forget about it.

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The Worldometers site puts Ireland’s new cases at +1515. :grimacing:

Those test kits sent to Germany started coming back today. There’s two weeks of tests due from them, hopefully that’s the backlog! The most impressive aspect of the HSE’s testing strategy is the governments PR /cover up strategy.

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I can tell by the tone of your post the pH levels in your gut are way outta whack. Try some probiotic bro.

Deary, deary, deary me.

Ah shtap. George has been all over the place with his numbers since the very Start of this. Hes after getting strung up like a kipper there


Might end up spending less on fags in the long run.

Are u English per chance?

Lads they’re not numbers,they’re people,when media talks numbers instead of people it kinda gets lost
Government should dignify the covid dead by daily naming the poor people,thus giving the relatives empathy and waking the fuck up those who still don’t get it" social distancing works"
Cleaning ones hands works