Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m surprised at lads on here happy to have their human rights taken away via a police state over a seasonal flu.

Waiting on a vaccine that may never be effective. People need to cop on a bit.

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They did enough bringing it into the country.

happy to have their movement tracked on their phone, a shower of yes men, sleveens. I can’t believe what some people have become, I woke up this morning and praised God I held my nerve and didn’t go back to Ireland a few weeks ago

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When you see the carry on now you can see how the British ruled Ireland for 800 years with nothing more than 2 lads with a stick in Dublin Castle and an army of informers


and a case of whiskey.

You are another one of the barney curleys i presume? Getting a bit boring at this stage.

FFS, that’s some insult

A mighty sound gesture.

The drink is starting to kick in here I see

Stay strong. Go to bed and sleep it off.

The evidence is mounting now that lockdowns are essentially useless. The curves from a wide range of countries look essentially the same, regardless of what measures they have take. 6-8 weeks from the first cluster of infections the curve starts to flatten and decline.

Look at Belgium versus Sweden, similar enough populations. Belgium implemented a strict lockdown on March 18th which has now lasted six weeks, they have 7,094 dead compared to 2,194 in Sweden where schools, bars, and even nightclubs are open.

We will look back on this with horror, the whole western world led into economic ruin by a bunch of nerdy statisticians with about as much credibility as a circus fortune teller.


Irish people were happy to lock the population of Dublin into a cell and throw away the keys A few weeks ago. We have history in forgetting about large parts of our country in the face of adversity.

Belgium’s figures are skewed by being the centre of the EU. There were EU meetings going on up right until Paddy’s day. Not to mention staff from all over the EU

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Unfortunately I’m bound by the laws of the state I serve

a load of gimps like Chris Witty in the UK and Tony Holohan is Ireland, they haven’t a clue. Herd immunity was the only way to go, but no one had the balls, no no, instead lets hide under the bed forever untill the magic vaccine arrives

Another reason to get rid of the EU.


Exactly, and now they are stuck. If they relax the restrictions and people die, they will branded as murderers.

It’s been a complete cod. The thing was fizzling out by it’s self. The three lock down truthers were sid, esteban and chucks. All three have departed the forum in the past two weeks.

The Irish people need to rise up.

Less batigol, more McBain