Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The experts are now saying they didn’t even have a real lock down in Wuhan. The chinks knew it would run its course very quickly but decided to take down the worlds economy while they were at it. They’ve got a six week head start on us now and we’re buying millions worth of shitty ppe gear off them every week. We’ll be ruled by the Chinese within two years.

FFS @anon7035031 catch yourself on. The United States of America is great but a United States of Europe is terrible?

The EU has many faults but Ireland (I’m talking the Free State here) would be a much poorer country without it.

You’re becoming a parody of yourself. I know Sid isn’t here anymore but please keep some perspective.

I’m asking who would provide that essential service. Ah! I know! Let’s outsource it!

The EU will have a very tough few years ahead . Ireland will be under attack from certain quarters in EU . It will get very interesting and there may be more Britains saying bye bye .


EU is done. It went too far and will pay the price now


The E.U is a busted flush.

Dr Nina on the Tonight Show claimed she wasn’t asked for any contact tracing information, and her a health care worker, following a positive test result. De Gascun said that it took time to get all the systems lined up.

Fecking hell - no wonder we still have heaps of community transmissions.

Other than the fact I was being facetious, whatever it is, the EU is not a United States of Europe.

If the EU goes and the Euro goes wallop and we are back to the days of the punt again and total fiscal and monetary autonomy what could that do to mortgage interest rates hypothetically. I understand there would be a whole sequence of events. Probably refloat the punt and be pegged to the sterling. Our national debt would probably increase but what currency would it need to be paid back in. Who would it be paid back too? It would be some shit show.

These lads are really holding the line. :joy:

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This will drive the usual suspects demented I’d imagine

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Looks like family units each keeping a 2m distance from each other within 2 km of their home. Great song too.

Luke O’Neill and Paddy Mallon were a really dynamic duo on The Claire Byrne Show there.

“Rock the boat”

“Don’t rock the boat baby”

It should be the theme song for this thread


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: A lot of fellas could just copy and paste one of those two lines every time and it’d be less repetitive than what we have now

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Eddie is making a name for himself with the deft social media management. An alright sort.

Eddie hoare and media whore


Great post. It has been a joy to witness your evolution throughout this tumultuous time

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The original good cop, bad cop duo.