Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Herd immunity will be difficult to achieve if ten million tourists arrive every year. There are so many, compared to the resident population, that it’s hard to know exactly where the herd starts and finishes.

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It would be great if anyone had a clue but science is being made look like a fucking dunce by this thing.

cc @anon7035031

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Finally some good news.

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The whole World will have to develop herd immunity mate. Apart from New Zealand, they just won’t be allowed in or out

Phase 27.5 will be key

All countries should be adopting this until the virus is well and truly suppressed. It could 2-3 years for that so suck it up if you’re the type of aspirational fuckhead that needs to “travel” to fulfill your standing.

You have at this over 70s cocooning lark, hardly any of them are

Any line on hotels and weddings? I know a couple intendeds still hanging on grimly for end of June and mud July.

The problem with that is that some countries could develop herd immunity whereas others won’t.

Also, for countries with land borders it’d be impossible to stop the virus moving

No chance that soon I’d say. They’ll be in the same bracket as sporting events. Nearly worse, 300 roasters, drunk, sitting on top of each other and dancing. I’ve a serious back log of them building up now. 3 cancelled so far this year. Next year could be expensive, and Thursday weddings are going to be a thing

Can I travel to Dingle?

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One has an alternative of a Thursday in September. I reckon that could be too early

Yes. Domestic travel would be fine. Ireland is a small islands and it has all the advantages to come out of this if the right steps are taken.

Sadly the government shut the gate after the horse bolted and then have decided to run with a PR/optics campaign over everything else.

I’d say a good prospect of going ahead in September, but an equally good prospect older relatives couldn’t or wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) attend

A couple I know were due to get married this weekend, then they rescheduled it for Sept and have now rescheduled it again for next May.

You’d be as well off instead of fucking around with it

Yeah i know a couple the same. You’d be constantly worried about it in September. Unsure if certain people could, or should, go

One couple I know are going to do the registry office on the day and then do a big party, whenever they can. They’ll save a fortune :sweat_smile:

It’s obvious God doesn’t want them to marry. Otherwise he would have sorted them out.


The Spanish flu is a good guideline I reckon. It lasted 2 years give or take, 17m-50m deaths, 500m infections. I reckon you’re looking at a similar result here, we’ll go through peaks and valleys of growth and retraction, severe restrictions to reduced restrictions but it’s here for the next two years.

The biggest problem here is the state of the health service which has been as a result of decades of neglect and mismanagement by FF/FG. That makes easing of the restrictions very difficult.