Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Yeah yeah yeah. But what has your science done for us lately?

Just cure the virus already.

Hold the line mate.

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More likely?

Scientists haven’t a fucking clue you complete spoofer.

The difference between God and science is that if God does fix it, he’ll walk off quietly and not mention it - science will then probably be trying to hijack God’s intervention and sickening the world with smugness about how they beat something they don’t even have a clue about.

You should have resigned from this forum when you were going around claiming they had it sorted with a drug that flopped a few weeks back. You wouldn’t know your arse from your elbow.


Where was god for the Spanish flu? Or the Black Death?

Where was science?

All burned at the stake by your idols.

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So is that another global pandemic that scientists were too thick to figure out. I see a trend developing here.

I’ve expended enough time on you halfwit. Go pray to your imaginary friend.

Praying to God has a better chance of succeeding that putting your faith in a trillion dollar industry of quacks and spoofers who haven’t a clue about fixing the issue they’re taxed with.

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Glad to see lads got a good night’s sleep, refreshed and raring to go

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Reopening debate can you get reinfected?

Under the latest draft, the first phase would allow the over-70s who are cocooning out to walk on a “no touch” basis; allow outdoor workers such as builders and gardeners return to work; allow a maximum of four people not from the same household gather outside while obeying social distancing; recommence some restricted classes for Leaving Cert students; potentially increase the distance people can travel outside their home for exercise from 2km to 5km or 10km; allow retailers such as DIY and garden centres reopen; and allow retail outlets deemed essential in an earlier round of restrictions – such as banks, repair shops, optometrists and others – open again.

Family units

Although flagged by some on NPHET in recent days, the broadening of family units is not seen as likely in the first phase. Other measures – such as the number of people allowed gather together – are also expected to be scaled up throughout the phases.

The next phase – “early phase stage one” – would allow small retailers reopen by allowing only a limited number of staff and customers on the premises. Restrictions on travel away from the home could increase to 20km. Open marts could also recommence.

“Early stage phase two” would see cafes and restaurants reopen, as long as social distancing and strict cleaning rules apply.

The so-called “middle phases” would see the tourism industry – hotels, hostels, caravan parks – reopen on a limited occupancy basis. Travel restrictions would be further eased to allow people travel outside their regions. Any holidays or breaks should be taken by family units only.

The “later phases” would see the wider reopening of the economy – such as pubs and offices – again if social distancing is implemented. Schools would also reopen in September, again complying with social distancing. Mass gatherings of over 5,000 people have already been effectively cancelled until September.

Guidance around these events is unlikely to be provided until much later in the year, similar to family events such as weddings. Cocooning is also expected to last for the foreseeable future, until vaccines or treatments for Covid-19 are found.

I shouldn’t have attempted the back-pass you you lurking at the edge of the square.
You knocked it in handy enough, kudos.

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63% community transmission according to RTE this morning. However if you think about it - if they are not contact tracing sufficiently then everything has to default into community transmission. Just goes to show the importance of contact tracing to get accurate figures on this.

Fine Gael will be blown away in the wind if they fly any more kites this week.
Every day they leak a slightly different version of things to gauge the public’s reaction

I wonder what % of that is within nursing homes, they’d all obviously be community transmission. Everything is sure really at this stage

Has Leo’s strategic communication unit really been disbanded?

In name only Id say. There isn’t a government in the World without one to be fair

Would they not be ‘contact with a confirmed case’?

The names on that - “initial phase”, “early stage phase 1”, “early stage phase 2”, “middle phases” - no real dates in there either, you can smell the fear off them.