Coronavirus - Close the Airports

And her Fulvio, are the hospital numbers for Denmark. Top line is hospitalisations, second is intensive, third is requiring respiratotrs.

The curves have flatlined.

Here is Sweden, cumulative cases;

Daily new admissions

The curve has flattenned.

That is nothing to do with capacity, that is to do with the impact of restrictions. Irrelevant to your argument.

See post below. You are talking through your hat.

Stop bringing the private hospitals thing in here, you were already shown to be talking nonsense on that.

Sweden do not have anywhere near the restrictions we have and their curves are flattening.

Talking through my hat?

You’re the chap posting up diagrams you haven’t the faintest idea about.

It was the same last week, posting up a paragraph of financial statements that you failed to make any sort of pertinent correlation or explanation behind.

Sweden never had a lockdown to begin with and the point when you’re thick to take on board is that both Sweden and Denmark both have functioning health systems, the free state has a basket case of a health system due to decades of FF/FG mismanagement and policy.

We had no camera to shoot the landscape
We passed the hashpipe and played our doors tape
And it was dark , so dark at night
And we held on to each other, like brother to brother
We promised our mothers we’d write


Fucking choon.

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I’m posting up some facts and evidence.

I.e. max Swedish ICU pressure of c. 535 cases with their level of restrictions. Half our population is c. 270. ICU reps said we could have 411 ICU patients, which would be tight with other persons requiring it and if you want some extra capacity. But we have put in place for surge capacity of 812. And Sweden’s base ICU capacity was 5.8 beds per 100k, ours was 6.5. They also put in for surge capacity.

You’ve posted a few paragraphs of nothing there. Be a big boy and come back with something valid to post there.

You’re making no sense at all.

Sweden and Denmark have functioning health systems - Ireland does not. Once you manage to get that into your noggin you might finally see some sense.

More twaddle, come back again to play again whenever you’ve finished driving that forklift around the pharma company‘s warehouse that you work for.

That’s it Timmy, think you must have received too many concussions.

If you can’t even countenance the health service is an absolute shambles in this state then there’s no point engaging with you. Continue to post up a few graphs you don’t understand though, that will really fool people.

Is that SF money tree or the FGFF one?

Who does Paul think does know better than the lads? Himself?

Because we’d rather spend €245m a week keeping 700,000 people at home scratching their holes, making possibly no difference at all to the problem (vs social distancing alone) than spend a fraction of that sorting the nursing home problem.

The governments policy isn’t to do the right thing. It’s to be seen to be doing the right thing.


You should copyright that, you’ve pretty much summed up all political policy ever.

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It’s okay guys, Bressie has this


Some cunt that lad to inflict misery on people. He will call the 200 in six months time to offer them mindfulness courses to get over their ukelele issues.


I read that every top scientist in the world is working flat out on a vaccine, have been for months and still the closest we can hope to get one is 18 months away. Meanwhile thousands die daily, makes you wonder about science alright

You were complaining about the hypochondriacs a few weeks ago, now you’re mad for people to get tested

Am I?

How did you make that out?


Science 1 God 0