Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Science 2 God 0

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That drug failed, you gobshite.

Read the article you illiterate ignorant imbecile.

Here’s another one, fewer large words so you should be able for it.

Hopefully the regulatory bodies can push this through for use. The CE mark compliance is a big step. Hopefully a licence by the european body is fast tracked and HPRA approve for use here. We might be out of lockdown by September.

Take your own advice, you simple fuckwit.

Science has failed, that drug has failed.

They’ve made you look like a bitch after all your cheerleading.

Keep digging forklift boy

Scientists can’t even invent a cure for the eggs on their heads, they need to get the finger out of their holes here

I don’t need to dig. Your beloved scientists still don’t know whether they are coming or going with this. They haven’t a Scoobies about it, maybe you should don your white coat and tell them how it’s done, ya mentalist.

Still waiting @the_man_himself, yourself and @Raylan are like two peas in a pod.

I’d have thought you needed the break after getting pummelled all morning

What are you complaining about then?

This’ll be over before we know it. Science has got this


Oh did you?

So it had nothing to do with the fact you took umbrage with @Bandage’s post this morning, once again went balded headed to defend the establishment and then couldn’t square off your view that the powers that be were no longer testing because they didn’t need to despite stating the contrary to the public that they wanted to ramp up testing.

I would have expected it was the latter actually, you made an ass out of yourself again.

Might as well field this as well.

So firstly, I take that as a retraction of your earlier comment.

Secondly, repeating from above to @Raylan. He once again dived in bald headed to defend the establishment pulling back on testing as he said it wasn’t needed being the reason - I merely mentioned that his conclusion is absurd given that the public utterances from the HSE and government has been about ramping up testing to 100k a week.

Embarrassed, @Raylan tried to toddle off with his rosy cheeks until his equally dim sidekick (you) came along and unwittingly opened it up again.

I accept both of your apologies.

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Have you some form of e-concussion?

Care to square this one off for us, dopey?

Are they going to march people at gunpoint into the testing centres?

Science bitches.

The Spaniards have done up a plan, complete with rough dates and exactly what measures will be relaxed in each phase

Well I’m ask you to square up your earlier comments that people don’t need tests to Government targets of ramping up tests.

It’s about the fifth time now, dopey? Do you feel comfortable making a go of it now?