Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I don’t care about people being negative towards me. I care about somebody disagreeing with my opinions on a world pandemic and then bringing my parents and an addiction Into it. That isn’t on. You are trying fluff around the matter. It was totally uncalled for.

St Kevin’s Stump

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Going to do a 5k later in a field The Border Bull rolled for me.



See this, your best pal has rolled the pathway for you.
He is lining your path for this journey.

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You care too much for approval.

Love yourself, believe in inner gratification. Soul food.

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If you were half a man you’d just apologise

Id advise you try staring into a mirror for 45 minutes.
Sit comfortably and look at yourself, really gaze at that image.

If he’d watched Brenda McAnespie’s Láochra Gael his old buddy Scully Ryan had a sanguine observation.

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May 5th makes sense. Praise the Lord we’ll all be fine.

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Sure I saw him in the trailer for it.

I made a very basic pizza base yday from self raising flour and salt and a drop of water. Twas the absolute finest


They got a consignment of this into SuperValu on Thursday and I picked up a couple of bags of it. None left on the shelf Friday. Made a pizza with it last night. I think it was the best pizza I’ve ever had.


That Karol Sikora chap is like the Tony Robbins or Enda McNulty of COVID-19.

Forget all the death, forget any worries, relax, everything is great and we should all be completely happy.

His tweets are a parody.

Lads FFS we’re all right and we’re all wrong does it really matter?it’s just different choices points of view,I get a lot wrong and some things right ,that’s what makes this merry go round called earth worth living on

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We all have different opinions. We should all be respectful of each other’s where possible.

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Bobby Sands 5/5/1981


Yeah I agree but I lost it here a few time, not proud of it, but it is what it is ,I ignore those who anmoy me and vice versa I’m sure

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Enjoy your day

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You’re an inspirational man. I hope you have a great weekend and are truly the best version of yourself. :pray:

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Same back boy,just left my local park,few hours on the outdoor gym machines,rested watching mallards ,good always t

o be alive