Coronavirus - Close the Airports

One of the most beautiful views I’ve ever seen.

A year ago I fell in love with the functional ward
Of a chest hospital: square cubicles in a row
Plain concrete, wash basins - an art lover’s woe,
Not counting how the fellow in the next bed snored.
But nothing whatever is by love debarred,
The common and banal her heat can know.
The corridor led to a stairway and below
Was the inexhaustible adventure of a gravelled yard.

This is what love does to things: the Rialto Bridge,
The main gate that was bent by a heavy lorry,
The seat at the back of a shed that was a suntrap.
Naming these things is the love-act and its pledge;
For we must record love’s mystery without claptrap,
Snatch out of time the passionate transitory.

I hope these lads are all as zen when it turns out 5 May was a load of shite.


Wrong thread. Random lyrics thread

How u today buddy?

There are views on this forum which are genuinely abhorrent and dystopian, an utter affront to humanity.

I’ve been reading the views of certain posters here for long enough to know they aren’t in the least a wind up and genuinely do hold these insane and incredibly dangerous views.

When the concept of truth has been destroyed, there is no future and no hope of a future. There is only kleptocracy, there is only a future of authoritarianism. There is only a war of all against all, or more precisely there is only the triumph of the “strong” over the weak.

There’s a false, nefarious concept which has been pushed for decades by right-wing kleptocrat extremists called “the marketplace of ideas”. The “marketplace of ideas” is fundamentally anti-humanity. It says that there is no objective truth and all views are as valid as any other. It holds that flat earthers are equally valid in their views to those who say the world is round. The views that “triumph” are the views that are most popular with the “market” of “consumers”. Truth is irrelevant.

The “marketplace of ideas” is how rejection of expertise, rejection of reason, rejection of science and rejection of truth is so widespread in our world.

Right-wing politics at its heart is and has always been about the dystopian, Darwinian “triumph of the strong over the weak”. They cloaked it as just being about economics. But now right-wing politics (and its supporters here) has shed any pretence that the idea of the triumph of the strong over the weak does not or should not extend to every single aspect of humanity.

@labane1917, @Enrique and @ironmoth do not believe in truth or the concept of truth. They are true believers in the concept that it is righteous that the strong should devour the weak.

These are the views that led to the Holocaust. So it is completely and utterly predictable that these posters are now actually imploring for a holocaust, right here.

The lunatics will adopt the clothes of “maturity”. They will claim that others are insane or “hysterical”.

The lunatics will dismiss real nuance where it is needed in favour of crude, malevolent reductionism. This is a favourite tactic of @labane1917. At least he has the excuse of being thick and having serious anger management issues.

But this @ironmoth chap is way more sinister. His favourite tactic is to introduce fog over issues of what should be the deepest moral clarity, a fake “intellectual” argument for naked bloodlust and immeasaurable selfishness. He’s like a dustbin version of Carl Schmitt. I genuinely think the guy is a psychopath.

Grand, a little better. No idea when I’m getting out though


Fellas that are gleeful over the deaths in the us and the uk are just as deranged Sidney. Fellas desperately hopeful this goes on for eighteen months are as well.


Fuck all to do out here anyway. You’re in the right place.


We all know who’s gleeful over the deaths of ordinary people, and who’s even more gleeful at the prospect of more deaths of ordinary people.

And they are exclusively right-wing lunatics like @labane1917, @Enrique and @ironmoth.

Right-wing political ideology as practised by these lunatics is a fundamentally evil idea.

None of what they, or their political heroes Trump, Putin, Xi, Bolsonaro, Orban, Modi, Erdogan, Johnson, Bin Salman and Netanyahu ever makes any sense except through viewing it through the lens of corruption, kleptocracy, race hate and the triumph of the chosen “strong” over the “feckless weak”. Concepts of naked and shameless evil, in other words.

The strong shouldn’t but do devour the weak, unfortunate human trait of right wing politics,going to post a link you might be interested,a mate if mine runs a pod cast ( Irish unity) interviewing left /far left republicans etc ,some anarchists also( not the loons)

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The women in Sligo are feisty.

Wet markets are opening again according to Bill Maher

I see mary is still screaming

You are obviously a well balanced, well read individual and have many interesting and insightful points to make on this thread.

Nah. :grin:

On any given issue, you can trust Bill Maher to come up with a spectacularly bad take.

One of the worst, most self-unaware cunts in America.

That would be Sean Hannity

I didn’t know that you were in mate. What’s up?

I doubt wet markets or bats were the source of this.