Coronavirus - Close the Airports

We need to double the amount of civil servants to get us back on track

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The absolute drivel here.


350 is only a 12 weeks measure

I think Leo’s quote will be

“ Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

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My pal has a garden centre and has same issue. Lads want to wait 8 Weeks to come back

Lot of lads be better off without pubs being there to waste their money in. Hard to drink 100 quid a week in an off licence. You’d do it in a few hours in a pub.

Agreed. And the 50,000 or so people who will lose their jobs and livelihoods can go picking fruit for Keelings. Win win.

Healthier to do that. Hotels and restaurants can survive and adapt. Pubs are finished.

Go on…

Gavin Reilly is the taoiseach spilling the beans before we even hear it from leo .

He’s just an ideas guy

Restrictions continuing up to May 18th.

18th May is party day.

all restrictions?

We’ll be able to go 7km on the 18th

What fucking difference does increase to 5km make for the vast majority of people.


Nice hand gestures from our leader

2k limit extended up to 5k.

Over 70’s can walk and drive up to 5k if they don’t meet anyone.

No mention of LOI football yet.

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Not a jot, apart from a few lads who like cycling (who are probably ignoring the 2km anyway)
