Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You can spend all day every day walking around busy supermarkets which is completely safe. Meanwhile my mother is a front line worker so she has to go to work everyday facing the public but she’s not allowed see her children in her back garden because they are not allowed get into their car and drive on their own down the motorway without coming into contact with anyone. Meanwhile in countries like Sweden and Denmark children are in school and pubs are open.

Fuck off Holohan you absolute spoofer.


This is the ultimate struggle lads

5th phase of restriction lifting is starting 10th August. Each of the phases is 3 weeks.

Tfk was good for a few weeks as the only place with the two sides of the story. Now it’s gone too much the other way. Barely a dissenting voice

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Well you hardly thought pubs and the like would be open anytime soon?

George Lee is right, the key thing from that is there will be 5 phases of 3 weeks each, even if we have no idea what they are. This is like an advent calendar or something, a series of constant surprises.

Did you read the article in the paper today?

The cabinet were pleading with him to throw us a few crumbs

Plenty people I know cocooning will be glad of that.

Driving past a graveyard is all some want to do.


Zara is a leo bot

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No mate. I’d like to know who was involved in the decision making process for this though. If it is just whatever Holohan says goes this is absolute insanity.

Post speech reaction here.


Ruud Gullit sitting on top of a shed…


Honestly, you’re a thick cunt.

I must order that Hair Clippers :confounded:

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Some man to say fuck all. Be good children and I’ll ket you stay up till 9 to watch tv of your good


You are clearly the thick cunt in this exchange

Hadn’t thought of that

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George Lee is also a failed blue shirt. All spineless