Coronavirus - Close the Airports

And you’ll sit through it all too.


I can’t shave it all over. I’m too light on top :joy::see_no_evil:

Ah, now is the time. Best to nip that in the bud early.

The missus will make me. I plan to have a few whiskeys to dull the senses ahead of time.

What phase can I go to kilkee?

Oh Jesus.

I’ll order the clippers anyway and we’ll see how I feel on the day.

It is what it is
We are where we are
Tis an ill wind
Spilt milk
If we all put our problems on the table
There but for the grace of god
Theres no smoke
He who doesn’t make mistakes
Hold the line
May the road rise
Be careful what you wish for
We didn’t start the fire
May you live in I interesting times
It’ll be a short run into the Christmas
This time next year Rodney
Anyone else for the last few choc ices

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He has a terrible delivery, at least they jettisoned the quotes.

We need to wait two more weeks to weaken the virus… What??..

We will just go back and front between stage two and three ad finitium

20th of July…

Ivy league cut is what you want mate.

Tony and Leo are treating you like mugs lads, with absolute contempt. A few quislings like @carryharry are there to toe the line but essentially some medical chap called Tony, who has shat himself and is waiting for actual scientists to tell him what to do, has you under house arrest.

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I had to google that.

Not bad at all.

That was a woeful speech from Leo. The letters segment was nauseating. Especially referencing someone telling him to stay safe. No idea who thought that would play well.

The document itself is very vague. e.g. In June you’re allowed to visit people but you can’t have unnecessary journeys. Is visiting necessary?


Mark Renton has been rocking that for 15 year.

Ah fuck that so.

Might be tricky to give yourself one of those cuts, let us know how you get on, in the haircut thread of course.

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