Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Hold the line

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this is over, time to open the country up. Well done lads, a great effort, now time to get back at it, get out there working and enjoying yourself, visting friends and family

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Agreed, nothing is smashed until proper nationwide testing is implemented.

What do you want Tubridy to do?

Lads you’re doing wonderful.

Hold the line now

Kids from neighbouring houses are now out on the road playing together the last few days. One of mine is very keen to be out with them and it’s very hard to keep her in. She has been out cycling up and down with her best friend three doors up just chatting and maintaining distance. Anyone else see other kids start to play out?

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Hold the fucking line lads

My kids have been playing with neighbours 2 kids for the last week. Impossible to avoid bar locking them into the house. Not ideal but we know where those kids and parents have been for the last 6 weeks …exactly the same place we have been


We can safely start arranging street parties now. Time to get the roaring twenties started

It’s all over. Ireland has smashed it.

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I was thinking the same initially but the little social circle is growing. Kids from 4 households playing out there earlier.

Im comfortable enough with it tbh. If I didnt know the parents I would be less so Im sure

Seriously fellas, the roadmap is there whether you like it or not, there is nothing that will speed it up now, it can only be delayed, the open it up to fuck brigade are wasting their time, I suppose the couple of likes here every time is worth the effort of typing it


Open it up to fuck


I disagree actually I can see the road map being sped up if anything. All wumming aside I genuinely feel the back is broken on this thing.

They stated straight away that things can be brought forward as well as pushed back depending on the progress.

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288 In the UK. Its over lads, we have done it

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Pubs open no restrictions. Hand shaking and follies to be passed around on July 19th, in line with Galway being liberated from Indians, ice age ending and marathon becoming snickers

The Curtain twitchers have raised the white flag

Is it just healthcare staff and nursing homes that are the cause of 300 new cases a day? Should it not be far lower at this stage.

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