Coronavirus - Close the Airports

That’ll drive some of the usual suspects over the edge around here



The next two weeks are crucial.

Rinse and repeat



I’m proud of you all guys

Hold the line

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93 in ICU

I’ve got renewed confidence in Cillian De Gascun successfully navigating us through this crisis.


This is the lad who resigned from the Irish Medical Council and had Paddy Cosgrave and fellow Shinner supporters up in arms screaming conspiracy.

He seems like a right loss from public life alright.

Whatever happened Paddy?

He can’t connect his wifi


He’s back home in China where they’ve put him to work manufacturing PPE

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He’s was a shooting star during the early stages of this pandemic.

Sorry, predictive text.

He was a shouting cunt during the early stages of this pandemic.


I think he’s out there screaming into the void - still trying to make himself the centre of everything I think.

It was a weird crusade to squander his credibility on

New Zealand are lucky to be an island nation with a small population.

Minister Harris advising the public its “its in your hands” i.e if easing of restrictions does not happen when it should its Paddy fault!

I need to stop looking at his tweets

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what is pencil neck going to do about this?

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Women in abusive situations don’t ring helplines in front of their abusers. It’s kind of a general rule.

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16 deaths

266 cases

We are on track

The curve is smashed

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