Coronavirus - Close the Airports


You’ve met @the_dunph?

Does Jp mcmanus live at home with his mother ?

An important distinction.

Have admiration for the neighbours with children and teens who’ve been holding the line. Social distancing chats with their friends across the lawn. Know it can be difficult but we all have to do our part and follow the rules.

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Nice passive agressive pop at @gilgamboa


I’d say teenagers are probably easier to handle. My two spend most if the day on video calls with the friends. They’re mad to get out but at least they understand what’s going in. A lot harder with younger kids I’d say

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Ah no, didn’t mean anything directly at him. Just glad to see people by and large adhering to the rules.

By the way mate, the Mrs sent me this for a read today. Think you will enjoy

It is. Harder again if parents are WFH or frontlining. There are two houses across the road where they’ve young girls 5/6 in each, and it’s clear they’re buddies, but the parents are doing a great job in keeping them apart yet socially interacting. In one house, the Dad is definitely not working at the moment as he’s constantly doing jobs out the front so easier for him to keep an eye


Yep. Heard about that a great idea .

When the Greenway is built I’ll meet you half way for a pint

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I gave the front a mow last week but left the back off. Will leave the back go until June 1st. We need to do our bit.

Agreed. I have one section left that I’ll never cut again.

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Cut mine to the bone today. I’ll top it again next week

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You are vile

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Bit of Column A /Column B - the younger ones are fine in days off, BH weekend has been great. During the working weeking however an absolute disaster with every needy employee having a 2 hour Teams meeting with 20 required recipients to discuss a mundane matter not helping.

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A shit player?

giphy (39)

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It’s the only way. Leave the cuttings on it then too.

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Pretty dumb Mike, it’ll be full of weeds in a fortnight. You should be only trimming the top third off.

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