Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m planting a wildflower meadow in a couple of weeks.

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Belfast- London AL flight was full today.

Close the border.

Can’t wait for wave 2 of this virus as we’ll get it for sure .

tenor (32)

Any reason why Barbers cannot open by appointment only?

They’d be too close to you

According to the Indo, NPHET wanted the over-70s to cocoon until August but Cabinet overruled that recommendation.

According to the guards traffic increased by a third this bank holiday over the last one.

Medics have to advise that…
Dr Tony and co would also advise Alcohol/Junk Food/Smoking all become illegal.

:smile: Die in your home with no human contact for the rest of your days. Shur why not.


Thats the future for more than a few lads on here.

Newry to Adare, for a fucking caravan :rofl:

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Sure what’s wrong with that. They can bake and watch Netflix. It’s the life of riley

The Israelis have sorted it lads.

“shadowy defense research facility moving to patent treatment”

Seems above board :clap:

If Israel suddenly pops up with a cure it’ll drive the conspiracy theorists absolutely mental


What motives would be behind that?

91 cases in ICU

From 93 yesterday, yep?
Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!

Hold the fucking line lads. Hold the fucking line.

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