Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Interesting to see Dublin manager Dessie Farrell keeping busy during the lockdown.


Cluxton behind him.


The Garda Commissioner back left also.

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Isn’t his wife a nurse too?

Confirmed case in France going back to December.

This thing could be a lot further down the line than we imagined?

I had it at Xmas.

Jesus there must have been some bang of neglect around the four courts this morning.

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It was posted in the us and uk tread earlier in weekend I think. Sky news ran it too. The french are resting blood samples from pneumonia patients. Further evidence the Chinese were lying

Science need to get their ass in gear with effective antibody testing. We could be a lot further down the line with this than we imagine.

Jesus Christ you’re right.


Sure there was a woman on Facebook who claimed she had it at Christmas.
Looks like Breda was right.


@gilgamboa needs to explain himself here.

Openly bragging about flaunting the lockdown policies which the vast majority of people have grudgingly accepted, even at a great personal cost and discomfort.

I lost hope and pray none of their family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues or patients become ill from this blatant flouting of the guidelines.

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How do we know the French didn’t spread it to the poor Chinese.
The French are as bad the Chinese for eating weird shit, snails, frogs, those small birds that Charlie Haughey ate etc.

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Science is running around sniffing its own hole about this virus.

Also known for there lack of hygiene you could be onto something

Israel has it

More: According to the Institute’s researchers: "The antibody development phase is over. A goal for international companies to produce the antibody in commercial quantities "

Looks to me like the Chinese are owed an apology, blaming them when now it looks like it came from Europe