Coronavirus - Close the Airports

This virus is on the ropes.

From 94 yesterday.

It was 93 the day before.

It’s still bobbing and weaving the cunt

The mind games from the virus are unsavory

It would be very interesting to see when those people in ICU are suspected to have first gotten it

Everyone enjoying their new exercise horizons that the 5k limit has given?

Tinder radius increased to 5km.


I reckon Leo and Harris have been on a sole run over last few weeks hence lack of Pascal and Coveney. If they cant get deal through with ff and greens Leo’s days are numbered

The Free Palestine backers will be teaming up with GOD and anti vaxxers to block Ireland benefiting from it

Yer man looks to be holding something like a replica Bundesliga trophy.

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I think he is saying The Constitution is a shield.

It’s a Jewish conspiracy to put implants into use to track our movements. Leo has a funny name his in on it. I love crackpots

Ye are over thinking it lads he’s just off the Viking splash tour.

This is what you’re up against here.


A right fucking barrel of monkeys there. God be with the days of no internet and these gobshites couldnt find each other.

I knew Geldof would be involved

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A classic leak.
A few articles appear asking who is running the country, Tony or Leo. A couple of days later a leak of a non story that shows Leo over ruling Tony.

I can imagine Leo didn’t want to have to pull rank on Tony, but the people need to know whos in charge.

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You’ve the whole of the northside to plunder now you deviant