Coronavirus - Close the Airports


Just realised you had voted!

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Do an NPS altogether.

That oxycotin is serious stuff. Half of Louisiana was addicted to it at one point.

Was he a cop from Clare or Tipp??

No but his sidekick was Limerick.

How many of the 8928 have made full recoveries?

A few fireworks let off there at 9pm for the Frontline workers.

Someone set a grand gorse fire in the hills of Clare

Rubbish must be building up

Probably someone on holidays from Dublin.


Thats where Davy hides the bodies

As I predicted earlier KP was in a foul mood and remanded Nicole Chambers in custody for a week to appear again next Thursday. KP isn’t one to fall foul of.
In his heyday as a practicing solicitor he was imaginative in pleading cases…


Sinead O Connor singing before news was a lovely moment


The government has performed admirably, but Ireland seem to have a higher proportion of jinnets than most countries. The 5G warriors and the addicts flaunting the rules, increasing the risk for everyone else.


Still in the ha’penny place compared to the thickos across the Irish sea. It’s the english way innit?

Do we?

I’d suggest we have considerably less and that you’re basing this notion on the extremely outsized far right crank presence on Irish Twitter (and indeed on this forum).

I’m sorry I didn’t take a photo of along the canal as I was leaving g Dublin today. An orderly assembly of families and couples ALL maintaining the minimum distance required between each group. Not like you’d see in the cattle mart that is England


I haven’t seen anything too bad here only shite on social media.

A truck driver interviewed on RTE said observance was much better here than “across the water”.