Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The brits are going down and they know it. They won’t be happy until they bring everyone else down with them

An awful pity about the song though.

May e but the government stick their size 9s in their mouths at every press update

Oh the government handling has been disgraceful. Herd immunity from day one and still is. They didn’t realise they’d be the herd. It says something for them when Matt Hancock is the star of the show.

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Jesus even an ould junior b football match now would get a crowd of a few thousand id say.

My sources tell me Croke Park are looking at option of running off the hurling behind closed doors.

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We’ll run it off I punchestowns at the Christmas fare. Monday to Wednesday. Can you sort me out with a few tickets

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Jesus chief are you not in bed yet that stuff your on must have u buzzing😉

I’ve heard that they’ll have to play off the club championships first before county, otherwise the vast majority of hurlers and footballers will be waiting a long long time to play again.

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Surely they’ll play at least a month of club action before anything else? It would be a good way of testing out the water on playing games behind closed doors.

Nah kid. I’ve slept enough over the last 5 days. I’ll head up around half 12. Km sipping on a nine alcoholic erdinger here. I’ll still be awake at 5. Il get the lamb prepped then for the dinner. All jokes aside, when they got rid of the bowel cancer, energy levels improved by 30% at least. The surgeon told me today that he never met anyone with my healing power. They had 4 pints of blood ready to pump into me on Tuesday during the op. They didn’t need a drop. I should have been in icu until yesterday and maybe out next Friday. I’m a fucking "enigma "


Theres no way lads can go back to intercounty standard straight away. On any logical footing, club should be played first.

I fear though, rte and sky will look to have their pound of flesh and the clubs will have to wait

A medical wan-der

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Why would they? Sure the gate receipts are the whole point. I could see them maybe playing some of the early rounds behind closed doors, but even still that income is needed. They’d rather wait till November than miss out I’d say.

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60 million was the figure being rumoured.

It would be easily id say. And no concerts in Croker to pay bills either. Cork must be close to bankruptcy if they’ve no income in the summer


Sky could rip the deal up Esteban over this

Depends. If it’s a “rolling” contract they might have the option. If its “fixed term” they’ll have to throw the gaa a bone

It could depend on the crowd limits as well? You could potentially play a club game with less than fifty people. Almost impossible to do that at inter county level if it’s on tv.

No idea but it crossed my mind iron mike. Sky will be cutting costs every each way they look.

Depends what’s written in the deal.