Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m going to conclusively call this as genetic survival of the fittest. Icelanders are incredibly in-bred. I’m guessing the have genetic immunity to it. Dried fish diet also plays a part.

To control the narrative. The lab published the genome on January 11th on open platforms, they were shut down the next day. This was during the period when the official line was that there were no new cases in Wuhan and there was no evidence of human to human transmission.

Publishing the genome sequence was vital as it allowed the development of diagnostic tests for the virus.

Stay at home to fuck


To put this into context the exchequer deficit in 2007 before the economy went tits up was €1.6bn for the whole year. I see reports that the cost of lockdown will be €25-30bn. A proper analysis of true cost is indeed exchequer deficit as this will roll up to national debt and it is very difficult to correct public finances in the short to medium term. The true cost of this will run into the 100s of billions.


So it’s either we all literally die starving on the sides of the road eating grass with no schools hospitals prisons etc or magic money tree here we come! :clap::clap::money_with_wings::palm_tree:

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23 deaths

211 cases

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I’d say that Liz Canavan one, assistant secretary at the Department of the Taoiseach, is a bit of a wagon.


Won’t most countries be in the same boat?We’ll have to look for a few zeros to be taken off the bill.We need the phone number for yer wan of where in the world and get her solicitor on the case.

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You don’t get to be A/sec without having a bit of cut/cunt to you

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Has Dr Tony on the beds? looking very tanned tonight

This is like winning a county final but being told you can’t leave the stadium for a month.

It’s over, we’ve won, but we are still locked up like animals while the country goes down the tubes.

Open it up to fuck.


Sure Anglo alone cost more than 30 bn. We’ll be grand. Business is raring to go. Money in pockets ready to spend spend spend.

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Aaaargh we’re absolutely fucked. Millennials after getting some rogering.

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The government must have gotten assurances from the EU around these bills being met. No way would they have gone for such a long exit plan if they were going to be on the hook for the entire cost at the end of it.

In terms of being utterly fucked it’s a case of all for one and one for all

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The country is going to go down the swanny. The recession will be awful.

I knew her a long time ago. She’s very nice.

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