Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Hold the line


This will be different. No government is going to pursue austerity policies this time.

Hospitality will take longer to recover but people have a desire to travel and within a few months will start going places again, even if it’s just within Ireland. Places like Limerick have very little reliance on tourism.

I’m increasingly convinced Louise O’Reilly is a bit simple based upon her interview on RTE this evening which followed other interventions.

Enthusiastic but simple.


Interest free loans from ECB free money. The government should take some and push through some big capital projects to help stimulate the economy and create construction jobs

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We can get @Lazarus out shovelling tar on the Adare by pass

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The long term benifet from that and the cork road will boost the region too. The cork Ringaskiddy road pushed through will allow trucks get from Ringaskiddy to Foynes within 90 mins

Tis all over in Europe lads. Someone tell Tony to give us back the keys

We just need a few more “Tony is the real Taoiseach” type articles and we’ll be having a pint by the middle of June


That describes your typical trade union official.

Outside on pallet tables, but I’d say there’s a good chance of it

Biergartens open in Germany on 18th of May. German sportsmininster said you’re more likely to pick up Coronavirus in a supermarkt than playing football. It’s over lads. Time to come out from underneath your beds.


We will wait until the rest of Europe is back at work before we even peak out from under the bed

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A few hundred Bredas here had it in November

So he’s saying social distancing was enough then. Grand.

The comments are gas there

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This virus is a break down in the 5th but still swinging.

Look, we’ll cut them some slack, they didn’t know any better then. But they know now. So open it up to fuck while we can still salvage some of the economy

In 2007 the writing was on the wall . In late 2006 the smarter builders were seeing the slowdown . Spending commitments did not go away . FF won an election in 2007 they should have lost but an irrational hope that they might give us a “soft landing “ prevailed . It was obvious at end 2007 the game was up

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Anything to Peter

Agreed. Risk mitigation is a fine reason. You have to shift when new evidence emerges.