Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I know you want to find differences between NZ and Ireland to make a point but we have more in common with NZ than differences. It would be quite straight forward to restrict/prevent travel in to the country. Border control is quite common in mainland Europe at the minute so can we put that nonsense argument about EU rules to bed.


Apart from domestic, tourism is fucked in every country until a vaccine or treatment is found.

I can see inter-EU and American tourism returning before the end of the year.

Travel from the EU will depend on what our numbers are like. I can imagine your typical Trump supporter still insisting on travelling alright.

3% of Irish cases are from travel.

We know that this virus was in Europe in December now. Should we have shut down in December?

NZ also got the virus from travel. But it hasn’t spread, likely for other reasons (population density, sunlight etc.)

In December 2019?

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Ah Mike - even for you this is simplistic. Even if we wanted to ignore the whole being in the EU thing or the kill off the economy thing we have a land border with the UK, whether we like it or not. Preventing travel completely to/from the Uk (currently one of the most infected countries in the world) is practically impossible

Hold the line lads

We’ll head down nearer to Lanza

Didin’t the free state ignore the EU on a €13bn tax bill from a large MNC?

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Are you saying there are no border controls within mainland Europe since this thing broke?

What smarter builders?

Si on the hunt for for a few cheap likes with “hope we’ve done some good”

I’d imagine also inviting a barrage of abuse

I can’t stop myself from looking at his tweets each day


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Will you buy him a ride on ?

You are hanging your hat on something I suspect you know very little about. Your immune system is the best defense against any virus or infection.

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I only speak the truth

While taking on board all the stats and uninformed opinions I much prefer actual facts. New Zealand are controlling this far better than most developed countries in the world. We have a lot of the advantages they enjoy so we should implement a similar approach, whatever they might be. Some people want to lock up our elderly indefinitely just so some stupid yank can spend a few bob on a leprechaun hat in Carrolls. I much prefer the NZ approach.

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Yes, Simon. You’ve done a fantastic job. The Children’s Hospital, Cervical Check, and economic destruction off the back of a fraudulent lockdown are all a wonderful legacy of your “journey”.