Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Following statistical models and misinformed opinions is an option but I’d prefer to follow a proven successful approach.

Thats what they are saying anyway

There’ll be lads playing Golf around housing estates

Mate, you do realise that the lockdown you’re in favour of maintaining is based on the output of a statistical model that disgraced pretend scientist Neil Ferguson and his team at Imperial College London developed.

You’re suffering from the illusory truth effect. You’ve been repeatedly hearing “lockdown or we’ll all die”, “we’re doing great”, “hold the line” rhetoric for the past 2 months, and it has overpowered all rationality. Ferguson is a fraud. His model is a sham.

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Do you ever read a full paragraph mate, or just an odd line here and there so you feel clever ?


Looking like the most exciting thing I’ll be doing today is sticking a can of beer up a chickens hole.


No, I’m basing it on what NZ implemented. Whatever they done we should do.

Could be worse mate, you could be the chicken


Move ourselves 2,000km away from the nearest country? What direction should we go?


NZ is aiming for eradication, which I highly doubt is possible. Even if it was, the economical damage will be phenomenal.

Also, NZ isn’t Ireland. Ireland is part of the EU, and enjoys unrestricted travel into and out of the country as a result, whereas NZ is relatively isolated and can employ strict border controls.


Southwest. I hear the weather there is lovely.

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Will NZ not have a problem as soon as they open their borders again?

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Yes mate. The correct policy is, has always been, and will always be, to protect the old and the frail only, whilst the fit and healthy remainder of the population get exposed and recover. This will eventually lead to herd immunity.

Yes they’ll be playing cat and mouse for years. Better to get this over and done with it.

The curve is smashed because ‘at risk’ have pretty much all died.

Not if there’s a vaccine or treatment.

I don’t think New Zealand did this?

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Unfortunately that’s true. Tony H kept the nursing homes open too long. Now he’s closed everything else to look like he’s tackling it

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Big if.

NZ have used their natural geographical advantages, and the fact that they have full autonomy over their borders, to keep this thing out. They deserve credit for that but it’s a stalling tactic and they may not have a tourist industry for a decade because of it

My old lad probably can’t play golf for most of the summer. He’s 75 and his club is more than 20km away (Adare)

The mother sent on a video of him last week, pushing the lawnmower round in proper roaster gear at the start of the field to make a chipping area I’m presuming. I’d nearly stick the video up but I wouldn’t like to identify him. Maybe I’ll see can I get a still

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