Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Fuck no. He’s a grand big front lawn and he said the day he needs a ride on, he might as well be dead. His take is that they’re for lazy fucks.

Is he a millennial or something? Always all about him innit

Minimal and it was strongly frowned upon I suspect.

But get past that - even if we wanted to shut our border we can’t do it like NZ did due to the North

You suspect? Was there border control in Europe, yes or no?

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Has it dawned on mike hunt New Zealand is two separate islands


Coming from someone who thought the Russian World Cup was in 2016, that gives me great encouragement.


We break it down differently but it’s 3% here, yes.

If we are to just take the NZ figure of directly imported cases (say the Irish released ones on travel are only based on that), 38% of their cases directly from travel suggests 432 cases. Here with 3%, that’s 657 cases.

There will be differences in terms of the timings when cases were found (NZ’s curve probably started later than ours, that’s an advantage I’d say in screening travelers) but it is what it is and we have seen clusters form in NZ. Just not what we have elsewhere in terms of volume. What’s that down to; density, sunlight…?

In terms of travel, I can see NZ having benefited from a lot of their travelers coming from places with no widespread outbreaks. Australia just didn’t have a big one and they have a big air corridor with them. Backpackers will a lot of the time travel through SE Asia and Australia before NZ. We on the other hand, have bulky travel from places where it is clear there was mass community outbreaks in January and February. To me, the border stuff is 20/20 hindsight from people. There was a case in France before people knew Covid existed.

If we had travel bans in January to everywhere, maybe we avoided it. But the thing go in here and like much of the rest of Europe, we had a lot of community transmission. NZ just avoided it, for whatever reasons, despite the fact that most of their initiatives came later than ours.


Were you calling for border controls in Europe in December before we knew this existed but when a case has now been discovered? Yes or no?

Twas in France in December. This is the second wave

In next weeks show mike hunt peels himself off the floor and dusts himself off.

The whole thing was a cod. It was a Chinese conspiracy to bankrupt the western world.

Ferguson and the Imperial chaps last favour on this.

It’s not hindsight. Plenty were calling for travel restrictions back in March. There are still none apart form ones introduced by other countries preventing them from leaving.

To believe the 3% figure when comparing to NZs figure of 70% is strange especially considering we were, and still are, allowing people in from known hotspots and handing them a leaflet. It’d be hard to believe any of their figures to be honest. Strange that you would tbh.

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Once it took off in Italy, the airports should have been shut.

It would have been the logical thing to do. The fact it took the Italians to stop Italians coming to Ireland is worrying.

It made no difference. It started December and this is the tail end of it. It was bad in Italy because of having no tb vaccine.

Why is it strange? Are you saying people are lying?

I’m not talking about March btw, I’m talking about December when we now know there were at least 3 cases in Europe (with the man who got it not being related to travel himself, meaning he acquired it in the community). March is well beyond the stage when travel restrictions would have worked. Our R number was plunging throughout March and out new cases peaked way earlier than previously thought.

The clusters are the clusters. We have loads of them, including care homes. They don’t have nearly as many, that’s the big difference in cases. What specific measures to avoid clusters did you like? I’m happy to hear them - would one of them have been keeping pubs and bars open longer than Ireland did?

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Bill Gates behind it in my opinion. So that billions will sign up for Microsoft teams.


Do you think it is right that we leave Irish people stranded abroad? New Zealand haven’t actually closed their airports either fyi, as their citizens are allowed back.

Are you also suggesting a border for Ireland as well? Your partionist mindset shining through again.