Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It was bad in Italy due to an aging population and Italy being taken on the hop with being the centre of the outbreak in Europe.

Na Bill is sound out. His daughter Competes against a friend of mine. They are decent stock.

It was bad because they don’t use the TB vaccine.

It was in France in early December

And lapsed poster @Cicero_Dandi seemed to have it in December himself, he likely brought it over when visiting mama and papa to Italy.

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Irish people weren’t left stranded abroad, the Gov requested them to fly home from Spain in late March - it was about 6/7 weeks too late.

I’m not suggesting a border but Ireland is a small island on the west coast of Europe, it had all the advantages to come out of this far better than any European country. It had the prior warning from Italy.

The government was far too slow to make the tough decisions.

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Ah we all probably had it in fairness. I remember feeling persistently hungover and cranky last December, looking back now I can see it was the corona

Travel bans made no difference. This was the tail end of it. Stop politicising it. Everything you thought you knew about the virus has been proven to be wrong in the past 48 hours. This is the second wave.

That’s an incredibly idiotic comment as humans are the carriers and the only way it can escape landlocked regions and spread is via travel.

You’re talking about Spain now, you said Italy a second ago. The outbreak in Italy really kicked off at the end of February and you said the airports should have been closed then.

We also know there were documented cases earlier in Europe (from January and early February). And we now know it was in France in December. So how well would this have really worked?

Were you calling for international travel to stop at an unprecedented level in December before anyone knew the virus existed?

Do I believe that a country that implemented zero travel restrictions from known hot spots have a lower transmission rate from travel than a country that did by a factor of 30? Ludicrous to believe that 3% figure but you seem to.

Are you saying the government should have closed the borders in December? That’s the only time it would have been effective.

What are you on about?

I said the airports should have been shut 6/7 weeks earlier than they were. The gov were calling for people to come back from Spain 6/7 weeks after they should have shut down the airports.

Early February.

You seem to just have decided not to believe people and data so.

Why would the authorities even lie?

I suppose having nursing home clusters amongst the elderly is a far better look, which they are reporting on widely by them.

Were you looking for travel bans back in December before anyone knew this existed? Yes or no.


Are you for real?

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Who was calling for travel bans from Europe then exactly?

Yes, why would the authorities state that a significant number of cases and clusters are in nursing homes? You think that looks better?

When the outbreak started in Italy and got serious very quickly, that was the time for Government to take action. Ireland as a small island on the west coast of Europe had every advantage going to insulate itself from the virus, it reacted too late.

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Ireland has no advantages. It’s joined by the hip to Great Britain. We dance to their tune.