Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Would they even be able to change the structure of the championship? Like don’t sky have certain games? Would they have to fulfil a certain amount of games to get the money off sky and rte?

Sure that’s obvious 2 bouts of the bastardin thing and u just seem to roll with the punches👍


Ah it’s a legal nightmare. These kind of deals usually start with a 2 to 5 year fixed term with the procurer having the option to revert to rolling after the initial term is up.

Sky had Saturday night games as far as I know. I’d imagine they’ve a certain amount of games alright.

They could have enough clout to enforce the format stays the same or the money goes.

I’m sure the GAA would be glad of the money too with fuck all coming in. Money might talk here

Even behind closed doors is wishful thinking, the dynamic of the whole thing will predicate on the development & availability of an antibody test. Otherwise even the gathering of a squad of players is simply not going to be allowed.


Lads are dreaming if they think Sky have no contractual mechanism to get out of their gah contract.

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Wont matter a fuck to sky if they’re played behind closed doors and they have exclusively. Gaa will miss the jam on the bread though, but as you said half a ,oaf is better than none.

Im sure there is tv money at stake too

Of course they do. The question is whether they’ll want to or not.

The GAA massively depends on gate receipts. Therefore inter-county and getting crowds in the door should be the priority if and when it can be done.

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That’s why they’ll wait until October/November if needs be. The short term issue is servicing the debt in the likes of cork.

As I said on another thread at least it knocks the nonsense of playing All-Ireland finals in August on the head.

A winter All-Ireland championship would be fascinating.

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Yeah it could turn the whole thing on its head (for the better) . Will probably need a bit of investment in all weather facilities but definitely a win win possibility.

Surely the sky deal is worth fuck all

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55 mils I seem to recall over 5 years.

That debt is not in Cork. HQ have to cover it. Who let them run that up. I’d say this couldn’t have come at a worse time for the GAA

Tv money is not the cash cow. Gate receipts from a few matches are.

Expenditure is effectively frozen at the moment for all fasets within the GAA. Getting the championship up & running as a point of financial necessity will be a weak enough argument.

That was my point. However at the risk of pissing off the soccer crowd off, I would predict with relative certainty that accommodation will be reached with all creditors with a view to keeping all parties satisfied.

That’s RTE Sky and Eir